Home Again

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Chapter 15

We landed in Italy around four. The sun was still high in the sky, and Corin had me change the appearance of himself and Whitmore, Michael claiming that the sun would not affect him in the way that it would the others. 

While I worked, Michael watched me intently, studding the way that my hands danced across Whitmore’s older face. When I moved on the Corin, I could feel Michael’s body tense up as though he was worried that something that was not platonic would occur. Corin gave me a look, asking me to look into his thoughts. 

“Look at how possessive this guy is. Won’t even let you touch other guys, and you have only known each other for a few hours. What is he going to do after a few months, never let you out of his sight? Keep you locked up in a room?” He ranted.

I pushed my mind out to him, “Don’t talk about it. You acted in the same way. Vampires are possessive. It’s a well-known fact.”

He gave me one more look, but when I didn’t submit to his logic, he turned away with a huff. 

I finished up his work quickly as I could without doing a shoddy job.  When I was done, Corin stepped away, and I returned to Michael’s side. 

“Well come on we don’t want to keep Aro waiting.” Michael said, breaking the tension. 

When we exited the plane there were two cars waiting for us. One was the classic black Mercedes that the Voutori seemed to have an endless supply of. The other was a slick, blue sliver, sports car sitting ready. Corin took one longing look towards the sports car and then he made his way over to the Mercedes.

 I made a move to follow him, but Michael stopped me, “Do you not want to ride with me?”

I looked up at him, “Of course, I would love to go with you.” 

He opened up the passenger door for me. I sided in and let myself sink back into the form fitting racing seats. The interior was classy in black and san. There was a screen that came up from part of the dash board to reveal directions and our exact location. 

Michael slid into the driver’s seat, and with only placing his hands on the wheel, the car’s engine roared to life, humming with horsepower and innovation. 

Michael sent me a cheeky look, “Get ready for the closest thing humans have come to running like a vampire.” And with that we were off, curving through the winding roads at a breakneck pace. 

We flew down the winding roads with breakneck speed. Michael had a massive smile decorating his face, as did I. We had moved onto a straighter road when he reached across the car and took my hand in his, wrapping his long cool fingers around it. He moved our hands to rest on the central consol. When I felt his thumb drawing light designs over the back of my hand, I looked up at his face. Feeling my eyes on him he turned to me for a moment, smiled kindly, and returned his attention to the road. At his smile a slow grin grew on my face, until I was bathing in my own contentment. 

We pulled in front of a medium sized stone building that I had never seen before. Michael got out of the car and before I could think to move to open mine, there he was with the door open and a hand extended to aid me if needed. I smiled at his gentlemanliness. 

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