Twenty- Eight: Feud

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Jenna and I left the clubhouse together, our feet crunching over the gravel, the sound tearing through the night.

A lot of the bikes had gone, and only one car remained, and I stopoed dead in my tracks, recognising the beat up four wheel drive.

"Shit," I swore under my breath, gazing around the park, looking for Marcus or Axe.

"What's wrong?"  Jenna asked, moving closer to me.

"That's Marcus' car," I told her, hunching my shoulders, hoping we could get out of there without being noticed.

I heard a low whistle from across the park, and I froze, feeling paranoid.  The sound came again, and I glanced toward it, seeing two large, shadowy figures.

"Wait here," I told Jenna, but she quickly grabbed my arm, looking alarmed.

"Where are you going?" She asked, dragging me back.

"Just over there for a second."  I nodded toward the figures in the dark, then looked back at her.  "If you don't feel safe, just yell, or run back to the club house, alright?"

She nodded, still seeming unsure, but let me go.

As I approached, and the figures took on more shape, I was able to make out more of their details, and I soon recognised Axe and Marcus.  Neither of them seemed overly thrilled to see me in the parking lot of the Specters' clubhouse.  But, then, I was even more surprised that they were there.

"What are you doing here?" Axe demanded, dragging me away toward the fence that seperated this property from the next.

"I'd say probably the same thing you're doing," I told him, raising an eyebrow.  "Hanging out with friends, but, then, you guys aren't really on speaking terms, are you?  I thought you hated the Specters."

"Ace," Marcus warned, but Axe cut him off.

"What did you need to see Beast for, so desperately?"

"I had something for him," I shrugged innocently.

"What are you getting yourself into here, son?"  Axe narrowed his eyes at me, crossing his arms firmly over his chest.

"Dad, it's fine," I assured him.  "I asked Beast for a favor, and I had to run a small errand for him in return.  It's not big deal."

"It is a big fucking deal," Axe growled.

"Ace, I've warned you your whole life not to get involved with the Specters," Marcus reminded me, his tone much more even than Axe, who looked ready to explode.

"How fucking stupid do you have to be to get involved in their shit?" Axe snapped.  "You know what it is they do, you're not a kid."

He spat on the ground in disgust, looking back up at me in dismay.

"You're a fucking dissapointment."

His words hit me harder than if he'd just knocked me out.  I would have prefered it if he had, honestly, it would have hurt less.

"Axe," Marcus snapped at him, glancing at me.  "Don't say stupid shit like that when it isn't true."

"Does it have something to do with that girl?"  Axe demanded, ignoring Marcus, and I immediately felt defensive.

"Yes," I said firmly, crossing my arms, mirroring Axe's posture.  "It's got to do with Jenna."

Axe looked sharply at Marcus, who shook his head in warning.

"Why didn't you come to me with this?"  Axe asked.  His voice was even once again, but he looked murderous.

I opened my mouth to answer, but no words came out.

Ace Of Spades (Complete Raw First Draft, Unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora