Chapter 20

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Odette had seen everything so, like the occasionally great boss that she was, she gave me the rest of the night off to wait for Derek's return. She obviously had no idea what was actually wrong but I suppose I'd seemed distressed enough to warrant the break.

Unfortunately, as I sat in the apartment waiting for Dark to return, if he ever would, there was nothing to do but think. Eventually, after growing tired of watching the hands on the clock move and trying to remember if Odette's backstory had ever been given in the show, I decided that practicing using my powers would be the most efficient use of my time.

Now, if I remembered correctly, Valdis were only given one of the four powers available to them, two at most. I already had the telekinesis, obviously, but I wanted to make sure I didn't have anything else.

Slowly rising from the kitchen table, I decided to try the most difficult one first to get it out of the way. Teleportation.

Taking a deep breath and focusing all my attention on the floor a few feet away from me, I slowly edged my foot into the air and closed my eyes, praying that if I did teleport, I wouldn't end up inside a wall.

As soon as my foot hit the ground I whipped my eyes open. It didn't feel like I'd moved at all but, instead of moving one mere foot across the carpet, I had moved to the exact spot I'd been focusing on seconds before.

Teleportation. Check.

Next came creating weapons of light out of thin air. This one had always fascinated me since it was the one power Polly apparently had but never utilized so I really wanted to know what it did.

I used the same level of concentration but this time focused on my hands, envisioning a purple sword materializing in my hands. I tried with all my might and...nothing happened.

Okay. X off weapons of light.

Now, for the final power: flight. I'd saved this one for last since it was the one I was most excited about. Ever since I was a child I'd wanted to be a fairy. All of my imaginary friends had been fairies and we'd played in my parent's backyard for hours without letting up.

Same deal. Concentrate. Visualize.


"Seriously?" I yelled as I stared at my feet, which were still firmly planted on the floor. Squeezing my eyes shut, I ran a hand through my long hair and sat on the edge of the bed with a huff. "Look, I appreciate that I can teleport and use the force one dream, just gone?"

Well, to be fair, meeting Derek had been another one of my fulfilled dreams but...why not flying?

As I sat there, my arms crossed and mouth contorted into a childish pout I started to giggle at how silly I was being. I had superpowers and was acting like a baby. How hilarious was that?

"If I want to start controlling my powers I'll have to practice every day," I muttered to myself, planning ahead. "I should definitely make Di find out the whereabouts of Ebony for me." Since she was the only other Valdis I knew and would likely have more experience, I could use my salary to have her teach me. Plus, if and when Polly was born, she could teach her how to control her powers too.

If I ever got to see Polly. At the rate I was going, Derek would probably kick me out.

I was in the midst of lifting a plate in the air with my powers, a task so physically exhausting that I was sweating, when the front door opened.

I had it hanging a couple inches off the table when Derek walked in, his face not nearly as pale as it had been earlier and his hair no longer looking like bedhead. As soon as I spotted him out of the corner of my eye I dropped the plate and it cracked on impact, making me scream a little out of surprise.

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