Chapter 10: Where did the party go?

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"This tastes soooo good!" I exclaim as I take another sip of this awesome concoction known as a pina colada.

"You should slow down Jenny, that's your second one tonight. Plus, you had a margarita before that." Alex warns as I spin in circles on the barstool chair I'm occuping. I should get a barstool for my place! They are really fun and spinny.

"You should slow down." I retort. I'm near the kitchen island watching Skylar make magical drinks for several other people. Apparently, she took an online mixology class earlier this year and learned to create different cocktails.

"What are you talking about? I'm not even drinking." Alex gives me a weird look as he takes a sip from his Ozarka water bottle. That was supposed to be mine since I had asked for a water earlier, but after the whole "Stephen drama", I decided to try something stronger.

"I know. You're acting like a bodyguard." I mumble and take another gulp of coconut heaven. Alex has been sitting next to me for the past hour, never leaving my side.

"I have to watch after you. Who knows what you'll do if you're left unsupervised. Remember earlier you started talking to who you thought was Ann, and it was actually a random guy? Then, you thought he was the drummer from Twenty One Pilots." He chuckles at the event I vaguely remember occuring.

"Well, he looked like him! You can't blame me, he had yellow hair! The same color Josh has now."

"If you say so." He shrugs.

"I do say so." I answer smug. "Can I have another drink Sky?" I turn to her with my now empty glass and shake it. There's not one drop left.

"Um, maybe take a break." She tells me with a remorseful expression.

"Why?" I think I'm even making a pouty face.

"Because you are drunk." Alex butts in.

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am." I whine.

"Are you quoting the song?" He scrunches his nose in confusion. It actually looks cute.

"What song?" Did I randomly start singing?

"Nevermind. Here, I'll get you something to drink." Alex stands up and brings me a water bottle from the other side of the counter. Oh, so now they have plenty of bottled water here when I don't want it.

"But, I don't want that." I answer unimpressed.

"Drink it."




This exchange goes on for awhile.

"What about coffee?" Alex suggests after it's obvious that I'm not going to give in. Cause I'm a rebel like that.

"Ew! That's worse! Are you trying to kill me?" I stick out my tongue in disgust.

"Nope, the opposite actually."

"Who invented coffee? Who the hell thought it was a fucking good idea to take a bean and turn it into a hot liquid and drink it?" I go on a mini "I hate coffee" rant. Halfway through it I realize I have to go pee.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go to the restroom, then come back and finish this discussion."

"It sounded more like a one sided discussion to me." Jax comments from across the kitchen island as he adds more tostitos tortilla chips to a giant bowl. Next to that, there's a cup of guacamole. I look away before I get started on a different rant about that green, clumpy goop.

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