Chapter 44 - "I miss you, Aims."

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Two weeks into the tour Amelia found herself hiding behind the concert building with Danny's back band and Haley, the leader singer to If Ever, one of Danny's openers. Nate peered around the corner as the Danny's car stopped. He raised his hand in a fist, holding everyone in place. A door opened and an intense silence settled over them as they waited for the telltale sound of it closing again. Amelia gripped her bucket, holding all of her water balloons.

"Do you know where the band is?" Danny said.

The reply was inaudible. Nate looked back at everyone, making sure they were ready. The door slammed shut.

"Attack!" Nate yelled.

They all rushed out from around the building. Danny turned at the shout. His expression was one of confusion until the Nate's water balloon hit him smack in the center of his chest. Danny ducked and moved towards the back of the car. Amelia let her water balloon free and it hit the back of his leg.

"Devon! You're suppose to protect me," Danny shouted to the man laughing in the doorway, as he huddled behind the back of the car.

"I fight screaming girls and possibly bullets, not water balloons. You're on your own," Devon said and closed the door.

Amelia raced with Grant around the side of the car and pelted Danny with two more well aimed balloons. From then on the battle fell to pieces and everyone turned on each other. Danny rushed to Amelia and pulled her to one side of the car, ducking to miss a balloon that whizzed passed his head, a laughing Haley the culprit.

"Aims, give me some," Danny said, crouching beside her.

She lifted her bucket and he grabbed two hand full. He jumped back up, hurtling one at a running Alex, successful hitting him and getting a satisfying cry in response. Amelia stood and darted towards the front of the car, aiming for Matt's head and getting his back instead. A balloon smacked the back of Amelia's head and she swiveled around, already firing before she know exactly where to throw. She managed to get Nate in the arm and he ran off laughing, already firing at Haley's back.

Amelia ducked down behind car again as a balloon sailed past her and hit the hood, exploding like fireworks, showering her with water. Jumping up, she threw a carelessly aimed balloon and hit Danny square in the shoulder before racing back around the car as he moved to retaliate.

The mayhem lasted for ten minutes, balloons exploding everywhere, shouts, shrieks and surprised laughs punctuating the air. The war dissolved as the last balloon was thrown and struck Danny in the head. Amelia was just coming up from her position on one side of the car when she was deluged with water. A surprised shriek left her lips as every inch of her was soaked through. Spinning on her heels, she spotted Grant running away in retreat, laughing all the while.

Her shoes squelched as she chased after him, unsure of what she would do, but not willing for him to get away. Haley seemed to already have a counter act in mind and darted to the hose and turned it on full blast, aiming it at Grant and dowsing him. Amelia stood back laughing, as his brown curly hair deflated under the weight if the water pressure.

Pandemonium broke lose and all the guys ran towards Haley, one goal in mind, to turn off the water. This was only accomplished after all of them were sopping wet. Haley laughed smugly at the state of the band and quickly made her escape to her bus, spotting the revengeful glint that was brightening their eyes.

Danny walked over to Amelia and tossed his arm around her shoulder, shaking out his hair, sending water droplets flying everywhere.

"Good idea, Aims," Danny said, running his hand through his hair, his slacks and dress shirt clinging to him.

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