XVIII • 18

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"I'm so close! I've got two direct links to Moriar-"
He looked at you indignantly "What?"
"That's what I want to know. Why did you suddenly get distant halfway there, then leave me to clean up your mess?"
"What mess?"
"Sherlock, you can't just drop an act like you played and not expect there to be consequences. The lady looked as though she was about to fall over."
"Oh. Right. Sorry."
"What about completely ignoring me after telling me how much you appreciated John and I?"
He bit his lip and looked away.
"Sherlock." You stepped closer to him, with no intentions of leaving until he had answered you satisfactorily.
He looked back at you.
"I'm sorry if I ignored you, that was probably my brain more than me. At one point I would never have admitted there to be a difference, between me and my brain, but you have completely changed me. I still couldn't stand the idea of allowing emotion to take over during work, so I probably shut you out. I apologise. But while we're both right here, I really need to-" He didn't even finish his sentence before, for the first time, he kissed you.
His answer had already melted the anger inside you, but this was melting a whole lot more.
He pulled away, and neither of you said anything for a long moment.
"Okay. So none of that on cases." You said finally.
"Right." He replied, then you both went your separate ways, nothing else needing to be said.


You had just woken up when there was a knock on your door.
"Too early, Sherlock!" You yelled, falling back onto your bed.
The door opened gently and a familiar Scottish accent greeted you.
"I was expecting a bit more of a welcome, chica."
You shot upright. "Oh God, Kenz, I'm so sorry! I thought you were Sherlock." You hugged her, the both of you already laughing.
"Usually he's the only one who wakes me up by knock- actually he usually doesn't knock." You giggled.
"Well, are you gonna come say hi to your dog? Do you have any idea how much you have to bribe a cabbie round here to take a dog?" She pulled away with a grin.
"Ooh! Where is he?" You squealed excitedly.
Kenzie chuckled and dragged you outside. He was sitting patiently, tied to a light post, tongue lolling.
"Bowie!" You grinned and crouched down to greet your setter for the first time in several weeks. He licked your face and barked excitedly.
"Hush, Bo." You said, standing up. "I convinced Mrs. H to let you in because you have good manners." You smiled, rubbing his floppy red ears.
You undid his lead from the pole and brought him in.
"Oh my goodness, Kenz, I have so much to tell you!" You unhooked Bowie's lead, then turned to Kenzie.
"Same here girlie, but out with the Sherlock stuff first." She planted herself in your chair and waited expectantly.
"Ugghh. Why are you doing this to me?" You already knew you were going red.
"Because I'm your best friend and I can." Kenzie smirked.
"You know I hate you sometimes?"
"Sure. Now out with it."
You rolled your eyes and sat down on your bed, Bowie already asleep at your feet.
"In my defence, he is the most obnoxious condescending jerk you could ask for. He's awful. The only reason I don't hate him, okay the several reasons why I actually like him, include his voice, good God, you'll hear it soon enough. And his hair. And then the fact that he is an honest sociopath. He mostly has no idea he's being a jerk. Most of the time. So it's kinda cute. But it gets old. He really does need to learn manners. Happy?" You looked pointedly at Kenzie, who was grinning.
"Well, who kissed who?" She prodded, knowing how much it would bother you.
"Kenzie!" Your face was scarlet, you were sure.
"What?" She asked in mock innocence.
"Why would you even think that happened?" You asked, trying desperately to keep a straight face.
"Oh please. I know you."
That was all it took. You grinned.
"Ya see? Only the guilty grin like that."
"I hate you and it was me."
Kenzie squealed. "I knew it!"
"No you didn't!" You shoved her.
"I deduced." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.
You shoved her harder, but continued laughing.
You ended up on the floor next to Bowie, and buried your still hot face in his fur, giggling. He grunted and rolled over, forcing you to rub his belly. You smiled. "I've missed you, Bowie. Her not so much." You nodded toward Kenzie but continued to address your dog, who looked perfectly content to listen to you as long as you continued his belly rub. Dogs were so easily pleased.

You sat cross legged, petting Bowie's head unconsciously and listening to Kenzie talk about life back in Scotland when he burst in.
"I finally have the information I need! You coming?" He was tying his scarf while his coat hung off one arm.
"Sherlock." You had to swallow hard after your conversation with Kenzie. He was suddenly all the more attractive. "New life forms in your general area. Care to introduce?"
He looked around, then nodded at Kenzie. It obviously made him uncomfortable but he held out his unoccupied hand. "Sherlock Holmes."
"Mackenzie Whitley. Pleased to meet you." She smiled sweetly and he looked away awkwardly, his eyes landing on the setter that was now sniffing him with eagerness. He dropped to his knees and scratched the dog behind his ears, then pet him up and down with both hands.
"Hi there! How're you? Redbeard. Good boy, Redbeard." He smiled at the dog, who was now sniffing his face and licking his chin.
"Alright buddy. That's enough now." He pulled away and stood up.
You smirked at him. "His name is Bowie, not Redbeard."
"Right, sorry." His face turned to stone once again.
"Yes Sherlock, this is my dog, Bowie, he's been staying with Kenzie since I moved but now he's here to stay."
"Good." He seemed slightly happier when you mentioned that the dog would be staying.
"I never knew you had such an affinity for dogs."
"It never came up." He responded, stiffening once again, his voice returning to it's default.
"Is there something about that that needs saying?"
"No." He left the room, only turning to ask again, "Are you coming?"
"Not this time, Sherlock. Sorry."
He didn't say anything else, just left the building.

Organised Chaos - Sherlock x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu