chapter 6

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I was now standing in the corridor outside my dorm allowing to cold breeze to brush past my hair sending shivers down my body. I heard footsteps at a distance which kept increasing as they came closer soon the shadow appeared too it was a guy, a tall hulky guy. I squeezed my eyes to get a better view of who it was but it was of no help as he was on the other end of the corridor which was deprived of the lights. He came even closer and now his face was visible making me feel like throwing up.


"You have this weird fetish of running away, don't you? But alas this was the last time you'd be able to escape. You have a lot to pay Baby Sister and I'll make sure you pay every tiny bit of it" He said. His voice was enough for me to remember everything which I tried my best to leave behind

"Wha..W..what do you want fr...from me?" I asked

"I don't want anything from you I want You but before that your friends will have a price to pay as well because I know that if they'll suffer you'll suffer and watching you suffer will be a sight to behold " He smirked

"No no no no no please don't hurt them you can take me but don't you dare touch them" I said

"Beg, Plead keep going Sis it's a pleasure to see you like this" He said with a laughter that laugh was scarier than me going to drink water at 3'o clock in the morning.

He started to walk forward and raised his hand and as he was about to get hold of me I heard a scream, it was extremely loud and high pitched and my eyes flew open but weren't they already open?

Jesus I was dreaming. It was nothing but a nightmare. Suddenly relief rushed throughout my body.

I checked my surrounding to make sure that if it was a dream or not, it indeed was. Picking my phone I checked the time it was 11 pm and Levi was still not back.

Is he okay? I don't even have his number so that I could call him up and ask him about his whereabouts. Shutting that thought I pick my phone to ring Lilly up.

After few rings my call went on voice mail, she never is available on time.

'Hey lee it's me, Ally call me back as soon as possible'

I almost shut my phone when I saw a text message notification. I quickly opened it and my lips curved upwards. It was Sav

'Hey Sparksss, I'm sorry for disappearing but I'm back now. Done and dusted with that business. How are you? Also I didn't miss you either'

There was another one too

'Are you asleep?'

I stared typing

'I was sleeping but not anymore had the scariest nightmare of all time also I'm fine and it was a pleasure to hear that you'd didn't miss me too'

I didn't expected him to reply this late but Sav replied within seconds.

'Nightmare? Are you okay? What was it about?'

'Yep, I'm fine now thank you, it was my past trying to become my present and ruin my future'

'Sparks why after so many months?'

'Because my past is back for real Sav and I'm scared. You were busy back then so I didn't troubled you with it but I no more stay with Lee I shifted to the dorms I was scared, I didn't wanted them to get hurt because of me'

'Jesus Sparks so much happened and you're telling me now? You've always been secretive about your past and I never pushed you for it but it's high time now you need to tell me what is it that made you the you, you are today. I want to know maybe I can be some kind of a help to you'

I think it's about time I tell him too because I agree we're online friends but I really connect with him on an emotional basis and I know somewhere he does too. There are very few people who care for me and he's one of them.

So I repeated everything which I did few hours back with Jase

'Damn it spark tell me what did he give? What was the gift I want to know spark tell me'

'He...He asked me to come with him as he said that the gift was in the guest room so I excitedly went behind him and when we were standing right in front of the door he took my hand and guided me in the room. The room was dark I heard him shut the door behind my back. He went to turn the lights on and I see candles and roses everywhere It was indeed the most beautiful sight but my happiness drained out when my eyes finally landed on those three guy on the other side of the room out of which I recognized two of then they were Will's best friends . The look they had in their eyes told me something was not good and I was correct later that night Will pushed me towards them and was played with until I blacked out' I hit sent

Writing it made my hands sweat and shiver saying it out loud sounds like a no big deal but it feel terrible it's a feeling which cannot be put into words.

I was waiting for his reply but there was none does he now think that I'm no good? Will he never talk to me now?

Relief rushed again when I received his text.

'Who is he? Sparks. Who the fuck is your brother. I want his name' Oh god I could the text was so strong that I could feel his emotions too

'Williams' I hit sent

'Williams who Goddamnit'

'Williams Parker' I completed

'Are you trying to say that Williams Alvarado is your brother? The owner of the Alvarado Industries?

'Yep that's him'

'So wait does that make you Alessia Alvarado? Who went missing few years back and everyone thought that you're dead that some crazy man killed you and ate you up'

'Yes I am her. But where I am now nobody knows that it is me only four people know about it and you're one of them Sav'

'Hey, Now that I know who it is I can assure you that Will could do no harm to you. I'll make sure of it for now you can close your eyes and sleep soundly knowing that your Sav is looking out for you' He texted and yes I was kind of sleepy too so I agreed and put myself to sleep with a smile on my face. It's a bliss to know that you have people around you who'll manage to get a smile on your face even when that's the last thing on your mind.

I soon drifted to a peaceful sleep.

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