Full Moon with a Backstory

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~ Louis POV~

Hey! If you don't know me you don't know anything! I'm the boy that wears suspenders and striped shirts from One Direction. I'm also a werewolf. I'm not the only supernatural 'creature' in the band. Harry is a demon, Liam is an angel, Niall is a shapeshifter, and Zayn is a vampire. I know what your thinking, but Zayn and I are really good friends. We all are really good friends. That's how all nine of us can live together! Oh wait I forgot to mention the girls! If Kera knew I forgot her she would be mad! Our other four flatmates are girls. Their names are Daja, Laneka, Jaylah, and one of my best girls Jakera but we call her Kera. They make up this really famous girl group called Radio. Kera lived with us before she started Radio. She worked with Simon since she was 19. Then she moved in with us when she turned 20. Ever since it's been better. Harry actually met her first. They met at the Teen Choice Awards after her performance. We met 4 months later when she started working with Simon. Then a year after she moved in she created Radio. She moved back to America for six months and became a sensation. She's also an actress.

Today Kera and I were in the game room. I was playing a racing game and Kera was trying to mess me up. "You can't do it Boo, your messing up! How can you even drive in real life! That's not even the road! This isn't a off road game!" I paused the game. "I don't think I can win if your screaming in my ear, Bunny!" She smiled at the name and sat down. Then my phone started ringing. Kera lost her famous smile and crossed her arms. She knew it was my girlfriend, Eleanor. I answered it. Eleanor wanted me to come over so we could watch movies. I told her I was hanging out with Kera. I knew Kera didn't really like her. I smiled at her. "Go Louis, we'll hang out another day." I saw the tears in her eyes. "No I wanna hang out with my best girl!" I pulled her into a hug and we continued playing video games. I couldn't concentrate because Eleanor kept texting me. Kera didn't notice because she has a little trouble hearing. After about 20 texts later Kera put the controller down. "You can go see Eleanor and I'll go help Harry with dinner." She got up and walked out of the room. "Kera wait!" I ran after her. She looked at me. "We'll hang out tomorrow." She shook her head. "Then when she texts you tomorrow you'll have to tell her your hanging out with me. Louis, Eleanor doesn't like me!" I can see that Kera was getting mad. "Fine Kera." She walked down the stairs. I followed close behind her. As we got to the kitchen, everyone looked at us. "Well, I think I can guess what happened." Daja said. She must've heard us. "I'm going to take a walk." Kera said as she pulled on her sneakers and coat. "I thought you were going to help Harry." She opened the door. "I need to think." Jaylah looked over at her. "Remember tonight is a full moon. Come back quickly." The boys and I exchanged looks as Kera walked out the door. It definitely wasn't safe for me to go out now.


It was two hours later when Kera came back. She had her phone in her hand and was texting someone. I did get some texts from Eleanor but I didn't answer them. Sometimes Eleanor can be so clingy. I still like her despite that flaw. So Kera washed up and sat in her chair next to me. She was smiling but it was fake. "What's wrong Bunny?" She looked at me. "I have to go to America for business in 2 weeks." I put my arm around her. "Well then! I guess Harry and I will be taking you to that football game tomorrow!" She kissed my cheek and started eating. With all nine of us living in one big flat we have to pay a lot of money for food. We all eat so much especially on full moons. I never understood that for the girls, but I never ask. After dinner the boys and I went out as the girls got ready for bed. They didn't know we left the house. As we walked I looked at the moon. I started to morph and had to leave the group. I usually can't remember what happens next. Sometimes I can, but not each full moon.

~~~~~~~~~~Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~

I was back home. As we walked into the flat the girls were in the kitchen. Kera was standing in the door frame. "So did you guys have fun." She asks. Harry gives her a cheeky smile. "No! We don't have any fun without you girls!" Three of the four girls smiled at this. Kera was the one not smiling. She had her arms crossed and that angry look on her face. "Whatever Styles." She sounded like she had been crying. She forced a smile on her face and went in the kitchen to make breakfast with Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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