The Tragedy and the Comedy

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My bags are unloaded, my thair thrown up in a sloppy bun, my head pounding, and my sunglasses on to keep out the bright sun. It's like a scene from a movie about a dystopian society, how the rebel leaves and finds a new world that they are shocked by. I feel that way, how I've been gone for two weeks with no connections to the outside world and now I'm back. My phone feels as if it weights a ton, the wheel of the car unusual, and the smell of my mother's baking making me want to go ahead and get the freshman fifteen before college even starts.


I smile, turning around as I am enveloped by his arms, a kiss placed upon my forehead as my heart warms up. Sparks fly everywhere, electrifying every fiber of my being as he spins me around. By the second I'm back on my own two feet, a slow and much-needed kiss is placed upon my lips, his hands on my waist, my arms around his neck. I've missed him. I've missed his laugh, his smile, his presence in general. Hell, my wolf is bouncing off the walls of my mind right now in joy.

"I've missed you," I greet, pulling away from the kiss as I meet his beautiful blue eyes. How I've missed looking into these eyes. How I've missed him. "What's the plan tonight anyway?"

Right when I got back home I got a text from Augustus informing me to dress up and be ready at six. He came back to welcome me here, four hours till our date. "A surprise," he whispers, looking to my gaze as my cheeks turn a pink color. "And wear a dress, not a nice shirt." I raise an eyebrow, wondering what exactly this date is that he has in mind. If anything, just being with my mate will be enough to keep me happy.

"I like the sound of that," I comment, releasing myself from his hold as I invite him into my house. With my parents instantly freeing Augustus like he's their son-in-law, the twenty minutes that he is here and chatting with them makes me feel content. My parents love him and so do I.

So do I. He's my mate after all, and I know he's not just some temporary love story that people will swoon over. This story is not heartbreaking where the reader cries and pities me, but where the reader smiles when they think of my future with my mate. My mate, my best friend, and my everything.

"See you soon," Augustus calls out as he heads to his car, waving bye as I do as well. As he drives off, I head back inside, a smile unable to erased from my face as my parents comment upon my mate in the dining room.

Within four hours I have my dress on, a pale peach dress that hits just below mid-thigh, a modest front, dip in the back, and emphasizes my best features as I pull on my nude wedges. Mother has pulled my hair back in a simple braid, a smile wide across my face  as the clock strikes six. "Amory," mom begins as I sit beside her before my mirror. We sit in my room, making eye-contact through the mirror as I feel the atmosphere grow tense. "Mates a truly a wonderful thing to have. Your father and I love one another, but it's not the mate bond that did that. The bond brought us together and we simply fell in love." I raise an eyebrow as she takes a seat beside me, meeting my gaze without the mirror as my heart skips a beat. "Some mates don't understand that. Some mates don't understand that you can easily fall out of love."

Flynn. It's as if I'm talking to Flynn all over again.


"Yes?" I ask, my throat running dry as the doorbell rings.

"Made a wise decision. Augustus is a great guy, but he is just a boy, he's not a god that can hand you the world on a gold plate. He's-

"He's human," I cut her off, taking in a deep breath. "And I love him."

She nods, helping me to my feet as we head for the door. As I reach the front door, I can sense him, I can sense that he is nervous. Once the door is pulled open, I'm shocked, a massive arrangement of flowers ranging in pinks to whites to yellows are before me tied with a beautiful pastel green bow. "Augustus," I gasp, taking ahold of the flowers to reveal his face, a smile plastered on his face with two dimples. His blond hair is neatly combed back, a simple pale-blue plaid, button-up shirt on, a nice pair of jeans, and his father's Camaro parked outside. He's ready for a beautiful date.

Intimacy | ✔️ {Wattys 2017}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ