Chapter 17: one month and the cold blooded eyes.

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*unedited so may contain mistakes*

"please explain to me why I'm here to pick your ass up from the police station at 3am?" 

Liam snatched the hoody out of my grasp before slipping it on and covering his bruised face. He refused to talk to me or even look at me. I was irritated and his attitude wasn't making it any better. What woman comes running in her pajamas at 3am? a stupid one thats who.

"please explain because I'm this close to leaving your ass behind" I snarl, crossing my arms over my chest as the spotlight goes on me and the all the officers snickered. 

I wasn't even ashamed at how horrible I probably looked. I was more ashamed of picking my grown ass husband-to-be up from the police station. Hes 23 for christ sake!

"Ask him" Liam spat, glaring at Chris who didn't look any better than him. Both suffered bruising on their faces although Chris had a bloody nose which he was trying to control by shoving tissues up.

"me?" Chris ask in disbelief "I'm in this state because of you!"

I look back and forth between the two men as they argued who was at fault. The officer tried to break the 'fight' but ended up getting owned by these rich men. 

Fuck this shit.

I spin around and begin to walk away from this mess and crawl towards my car. 

"Ms you can't leave them here!" A police officer yelled chasing after me and I cussed under my breath after getting caught. I frown, trailing behind him and back into the station. Liam looked at me in disbelief at the fact that I left. 

"uh..can I pick them up tomorrow?" I asked with enthusiasm in my voice.

The officer gave me a odd look. "no"


"Alright" I sighed "what they do?"

The man pulled out some papers and began to read of it.

"Mr.Christopher Danton and Mr. Liam Saevatore arrested after a neighbour called seeing the two men having a brawl and almost strangling each other to death. This situation occurred at 2am and the men spend an hour in the cell to calm down"

I buried my face in my hands out of embarrassment.

"Oh God Liam" I whispered, shocked.

I stopped myself from laughing at this horrible situation. As much as I hated Chris, it wasn't nice to laugh at him being strangled.

"You could've killed me" Chris states, rubbing his bruised neck which had a visible hand imprint.

"I wish I did" Liam hissed.

"I'm going to fucking sue you for attempted murder" Chris threatened with spite in his voice.

I roll my eyes and smack Liam's arm causing him to wince.

"Liam how could you do that?" I huff "you could've at least finished the job off"

A smile spread across Liam's face as he held the back of my head and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"That's my girl" he chuckled, leaning his head against mine as I turned into a tomato.

We looked like squad goals as both of us had a innocent smile plastered on our faces.

"Kidding.." I mumbled after getting concerned looks from the officers and not to mention Chris.

"Let's go home" Liam grunted, wrapping his arms around my waist and dragging me away.

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