Chapter 4 ❋

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. As I opened my eyes I thought back to what happened yesterday. I smiled.

Maybe there was some hope that Camila could possibly like me. I took a hot shower and came out feeling good.

I got dressed, ate breakfast and headed to school to meet up with Zayn and Lauren. They invited me to hang out before class.

Once I arrived at the school I went to the usual spot under the bleachers and saw Lauren and Zayn sitting on the poles at the bottom of the bleachers.

"Y/NN!" Lauren's shouted and ran to me hugging the life out of me. I returned the hug and smiled. Once I released her she led me towards Zayn.

"What's up Y/N, how's life." He casually greeted while blowing out some smoke.

I took the blunt from him and inhaled.

I wondered if I should tell them what happened with Camila yesterday. I thought about it and decided on doing so. "Life's great right now actually, you guys are not going to believe what happened last night." I replied while smirking.

I looked at Lauren and Zayn, they had looks of curiosity on their faces.

"I made out with Camila last night, well she made out with me, I mean we both made out but she made the first move." I rambled.

I looked back at Lauren and Zayn saw their mouths were agape. "No way!" They all exclaimed simultaneously.

"I'm being deadass!" I exclaimed.

I knew they wouldn't believe me. If I were in their shoes I wouldn't believe myself either.
I mean come on, everyone knew about Camila's dislike of me so why would she even think about touching me or kissing me at all.

That's what I was still also confused about. I looked back up at them and they had their arms crossed.

"Guys I'm as shocked you are," I admitted, "It happened so unexpectedly I mean she was giving me a tour of her room then she fell on top of me and then she started kissing me."

Zayn had a look of disapproval, while Lauren kept a blank face. "Y/NN you said you were over your crush on her." Zayn finally spoke up.

He was right I did say that, but if she's starting to reciprocate those feelings I wouldn't mind being pulled back in. I stopped myself right there. Who am I kidding, why was I even thinking like this, Camila didn't even like me in general. I frowned. I needed to confront her.

"I'll talk to you guys later I got to go."

I headed towards the front of the school and looked for Camila. I finally spotted her, but she was sitting on a bench talking to Shawn.

She was wearing a plaid skirt with a white shirt. She looked really good.

It looked like she was flirting. She was rubbing her hand up and down his arm while laughing. She looked my way and gave me a thumbs up. I clenched my jaw and felt my jealousy rise.

I walked towards them and cleared my throat. They both looked up. "Hey babe, I need to ask you something." I smiled, wrapping my arm around Camila dragging her away.

I ignored Camila's whining and pulled her towards the empty hallway. I finally released her arm. "Y/N what the heck, I was finally getting Shawn to talk to me!" She spat.

I glared at her.

"Look we need to talk about what happened last night." I finally said.

"What happened last night?" She said playing dumb.

Is she really going to act as if nothing happened?

"Why the fuck were you being so nice yesterday and why did you kiss me Camila." I spat, now feeling even more irritated because she was playing dumb.

"Oh that, well if we're going to be fake dating then we're going to to have to get along so I've decided to be nicer, as for the kissing part you were just there so I wanted to practice for whenever I do that kind of stuff with Shawn." She said slowly. I squinted my eyes at her.

I had to admit I was a bit hurt.

So that kissing stuff was about Shawn. My stupid ass should've known it was just a part of the deal. "Oh...okay cool, well I'll catch ya later. Bye Camila." I quickly said heading down the corridor ignoring her calls.

"Y/N wait! Y/N.." I slowly heard Camila's voice disappear as I headed towards the end of the hall.

This is part of the deal idiot. Don't get pulled back in.

I mentally cursed myself for getting ahead of myself. I wandered through the halls hearing a few hey's and hello's. I saw Lauren at the end of the hall and walked towards her.

"Hey hoe!" I shouted, jumping on her back. I knew that she hated that, but I loved getting her mad.

I heard her groan. I jumped off her before she could drop me like she did the last time.

"Y/N how many times do I have to tell you not to fucking do that, you're going to break my back." She whined.

I laughed, trying to forget about everything that just happened. We made our way to class. I sat at my usual seat in the back next to Lauren and Zayn.


Camila's POV

I honestly didn't know why I kissed Y/N. I just hit her with the "it was just practice" because I myself was confused.

I mean I knew Y/N liked me. It was obvious from all those times she's tried to get me to go out with her, but I wouldn't budge.

There was no denying that I thought Y/N was incredibly attractive and those we kisses we shared were... something. But I couldn't possibly be interested in her like that.

Could I?

I began to think, but my thoughts were all over the place.

Camila of course you don't like her. Your completely straight. You want Shawn. This is part of the deal, soon you'll have him.

I repeated those words in my head and headed back to the front of the school. I checked the time I still had 5 minutes till my class started.

I was going to go back to Shawn, but he was with Hailee, she was a cheerleader as well. I sighed, she was kissing his cheek.

I quickly turned on my heel and went to my locker. I pulled out my phone and texted Normani.

C; hey do you know if Hailee likes Shawn?

N; Hailee? from cheerleading? Um I'm not really sure we don't talk like that, why ???

C; bc I just saw her kissing shawn's cheek u don't think he likes her right??

N; noo chill out boo, he definitely has a crush on u, maybe it's a one sided crush, don't stress :)

C; your probably right thanks Mani, see u later (:

I locked my phone and put my books in my locker. Normani always knew how to calm me down and that's why I loved her.

I looked across the hall and saw Shawn with Hailee again. I walked to class with only one thought in my mind.

If I now had competition for Shawn's attention, I was going to have to take things to the next level with Y/N.

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