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Day in,Day out

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Day in,
Day out.

The same old shit every single day.
Same rude customers.

Stressful customers.
Abusive boyfriend.

It felt like my life was forever on a loop.

"That will be $17.98 please." I said to the old man, my smile fake and my hands clammy.

Two hours.
Two hours till closing time.
Two hours till I have to back,
-Back to Daniel.

"Are you ok, dear?" The old man asked, his forehead creasing in concern, and his ocean blue eyes held worry for a stranger he didn't even know.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, struggling to keep my eyes from blurring with unshed tears.


I wasn't fine.

But the customer didn't really care about my wellbeing, people didn't really care.
They only ever asked out of the curiosity of human nature, and societies pressures to be polite.
Otherwise they would easily be able to see behind my facade of fakery and the repeated phrase of,
'I'm fine.'

The old man gave me a pursed lipped smile as he handed me a slightly crinkled twenty dollars, and I walked back to the till to get his change.

I noticed a man in a corner booth's eyes would not leave me, watching me were ever I went in the diner. He had sandy blond hair and piercing green eyes, I would have seen him as attractive if it were not for the disturbing way he was watching me.
'What a creep...' I thought to myself.

"Hurry up Amora, your slowing the rest of us down." Tamsin sneered, and I noticed that she had undone several of her pink uniforms buttons so that her extremely pushed up breasts where exposed, she looked me up and down disdainfully and scoffed loudly,
"You'll never get tips looking like that." She said gesturing a manicured hand towards my uniform.
"You should show more, live a little." Tamsin sighed exasperatedly, "Sometimes I really wonder how you ever got a boy as good looking as Daniel, or why he even keeps you around,"
I grit my teeth and clenched my palms so that my nails were biting into my hand hard enough to draw  blood. But Tamsin simply turned her back and walked off, her honey blonde hair swaying to a land fro as she went.

If only she knew...
If only she knew the hell I go home to every single day.

Thought it wasn't ever a home to me, it was merely just a house that bad things happened in.

I tried my best to shrug off her comment as I returned to the elderly man to give him his change.

"Here you go sir, $2.02 change." I said handing him the coins,

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