Chapter 37: Almost

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I walked through the lobby of the hotel with Becca's hand in mine, still feeling a little too excited after what nearly happened in my car. Even if she didn't stop it from going further, I would have. Her first time shouldn't happen in a car pulled over on the side of a damn road. It had to be special, like her. I would make sure of that when the time came.

But I couldn't help but notice how she was becoming more comfortable around me, how she trusted me enough to give me little pieces of herself slowly. The puzzle was nearly completed. Thinking of the end result drove me insane.

I glanced sideways at Becca, she seemed to be just as lost in thought as I was. I silently hoped she wouldn't ask me what was on my mind. Somehow, I knew replying "sex" would freak her the fuck out.

I swiped my card in the slot, pushing the door to my hotel room open for Becca as she strolled in before me. I smiled to myself as I watched her enter into the hotel room. The space felt complete now that she was in it.

She immediately walked over the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I chuckled, she was thirsty alright.

"What's so funny?" She asked innocently, a trail of water spilling down her lips and onto her chest. I watched the drop eagerly, wanting to lick it up.

"Nothing," I replied too quickly. Our moment in the car still lingered in every single part of my mind. Her touch, her smell, her feel. Just thinking about it was driving me fucking crazy.

I desperately tried to avoid staring at the bed in the other room as I walked to the couch. Sitting in the corner, I patted the spot beside, gesturing for Becca to join me. She obeyed, walking towards me slowly before sitting down cross-legged, facing me and resting her palm on my thigh.

I really wished she hadn't done that.

I shifted uncomfortably and picked up her hand, holding it in mine instead so it was less distracting.

She bit her lip, staring up at me with her big bright eyes, making me want her even more.

I cleared my throat and looked away, trying desperately to think of anything other than this.

She poked my forehead with her finger, like I've done to her dozens of times. "What are you thinking about?" She asked me quietly, gently placing her palm on my cheek.

"Still thinking about the car," I admitted, making heat rise to her cheeks as she chewed on her lip quicker.

God dammit. Everything she did was turning me on.

"Please stop doing that," I asked, sliding my thumb across her bottom lip and removing it from her teeth's grasp. I could hear the breathlessness in my own voice, intensified by the electrified air around us.

I had to stop staring at her mouth. I had to stop imagining how my skin felt like it was on fire as her delicate hands touched it. I had to stop.

"What was it you wanted to talk about, Becs?" I asked, desperate for her to change the subject and my mind's train of thought.

"Ex-girlfriends," she replied quickly. She shifted her body so that her legs were laying on my lap, the side of her head resting on the back of the couch. She looked tired. I wanted to tuck her into my bed, to lay beside her with her head on my chest as we both drifted off to sleep.

"Okay," I replied slowly. "Ask away." The ball was in her court now. I would let her take the reigns on this conversation.

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