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A/N: Sorry for the really late update. I've been busy for the past few months and I also forgot my log-in details. Anyways, enjoy!

The place was beautiful even if the weather was always hot. She can see the clear blue sea and the sound of the waves from where she was sitting. She sighed as she gently rubbed her now bulging stomach. She hummed a soft tune that her husband had always played for her using his harp.

She was sitting on a chair on the balcony of the great castle which they hid in for the past few months. Dorne was unlike the North, it was always hot and never cold but she managed to survive. She ran her fingers on her growing belly and smiled. A few more months to wait.

A man with silver hair entered the room and she smiled as he placed a wreath of winter roses on her hair and kneeled before her.

He was a picture of beauty, no man in the Seven Kingdoms could ever counter his fairness and his smile was enough to thaw a frozen heart, just like what he did to her. He made her love him and he loved her in return.

The kingdom is in chaos after what they did. No one ever knew that she runaway with the Prince and that she is not kidnapped. She felt sorry for Robert because she broke his heart and she felt sorry for her father and brother who died to retrieve her.

But she can't go back now. This sacrifice is for the kingdom. They are destined to fill the song of ice and fire and the child will be the saviour of the realm.

"My Queen of Love and Beauty." He murmured as he kissed her hands. She giggled before she gently cupped his face and kissed him firmly on his lips.

"My Knight and Prince." She replied. The Silver Prince placed his hand on her stomach and she smiled as she felt a kick. The days are numbered quickly and the child will come near. Whenever she was with her husband she felt it very responsive that whenever the Prince touches her stomach the child kicks. And it's as if the child was excited to see its father.

She wondered if she could see the same happiness in his eyes right now the moment their child will be born. She wondered if he will even love her more. And she wondered what kind of father he will become. But the future is yet to be known.

"Did you feel that?" She asked.

He nodded and placed his head gently on her belly.

"What do you want to name him?" The Prince asked her.

"Rickard, if it's okay with you. I want to name him after my father." She reluctantly said.

"Of course. I'm very sorry." He then said, she smiled sadly as she remembered what happened months ago.

"It was my fault but I can't do anything to bring it back. Even if we will return in the past, I will still choose you Rhaegar." She said and the Prince kissed him again, this time longer than the first. When they pulled away she asked him something that was troubling her mind ever since she knew that she was pregnant.

"Uhmm. What if the baby is a girl?" She asked.

"Then she'll be the Princess that was promised, the song of ice and fire. It doesn't matter what the gender is." He smiled and placed a kiss on her belly.

"What do you want to name her if she's a girl?"

"If she's as fierce as you, I want to name her Visenya. Then the three heads of the dragon will be complete. It's almost like three hundred years ago when Aegon the Conqueror went here. Our daughter will be the third head, Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya." She smiled at her husband and nodded at his choice of name.

No Longer a BastardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz