Morning Treat

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I awoke to the warm touch of the sun streaming in through my window. I found my new room to be small, but cozy. I laid upon a full-sized bed tucked into the corner farthest from the window. Beside it was a nightstand with a bulbous lamp and the most basic of alarm clocks. Beyond that was an armoire pressed up against the wall and adjacent to the window. On the other side of the window was a desk and chair. The closest thing to decoration was the heavy velvet curtains and the quilted bed cover with matching pillow cases. I found it hard to believe that Calista lived in such a spartan room. Of course, Spencer had said that someone had removed her things prior to my arrival.

Not certain what to do, I decided to get up and inspect my surroundings. There wasn't much to see, but I did eventually discover that the armoire was hiding a pair of jeans and a long sleeve white shirt with a note attached to it.

You have some allowance to buy clothing, but for now we can't have you walking around in bloodied rags. Please take these and I will give you your credit to fill out the rest of this bureau.

— Otto Montgomery Spencer

On further inspection I found a small bathroom adjacent to my bed and next to the entrance. I thought about showering, but upon undressing, I saw my bandages staring up at me and I wasn't sure I could remove them yet. So I took a wet cloth to wipe down my skin as best as I could and slipped on the fresh set of clothes. I also made a mental note that I'd need a toothbrush at some point and I hoped that this allowance would be enough to cover a few basic amenities.

After what felt like a half hour, but was more like five minutes of running around in circles, I managed to find my way back to the lobby, where there was now only the ghostly proprietor lounging around.

"Good morning Ms. Cross, I see you found the clothing I left you."

"Good morning Mr. Spencer. I, um, don't know what I should do."

"Well, believe it or not my dear, you actually have to do very little. Which isn't to say you have an easy job." I think he winked then, but it was hard to tell with all the noise of the background showing through his skin. "We, the town, provide your food, basic wardrobe, and shelter. You just have to win someone's attention."

"So, for food..." My whole body ached, there was no denying that, but there was certainly a more substantial ache in the pit of my stomach that had nothing to do with the stitches in my side.

"Well, normally you'd have free reign of the meals I provide here at the hotel, but today you have someone else treating you. Which, is common really. You'll find there will be many trying to earn your affections by supplementing the standard issue amenities of the town."

"Someone is here for me?" I chewed on the words, my eyes casting around the lobby. Fear curled in my throat as I waited for Lord Antonov to pop out of some dark corner to drag me back to his breeding grounds. Then, a strange thought hit me. It was daytime, he couldn't be here, and, oddly enough, I actually believed in that observation and took comfort in it.

"Sheriff Hathaway." Spencer swayed to the side, his arm stretching out to present a tall wingback that sat facing away from us. However, upon his name being called, Everett rose up and revealed his shaggy head.

"Good morning, Ms. Cross. I'd like you to join me at the diner for some breakfast. There are some things I'd like to talk to you about." He stepped out from around the chair, wearing a pair of jeans and a flannel button down. The only thing that gave away that he was on duty was the star pinned to his chest.

"I hope it isn't too far," I said, my hand massaging my stomach. "I am rather hungry."

"Nothing is too far in this town," he said with a light laugh on his lips. "Just a block away, we can walk there. If you can that is."

"My leg's fine," I said, patting the bandage through my jeans. "Thank you for asking."

"Well, let's go then. I don't want you to miss out on Hen's fresh baked donuts." He wore a pleased smile, bright and friendly and as we walked out of the hotel, the rising sun lit his dark brown hair in a soft halo, casting the scruffy sheriff in a different light. With his lengthy mane combed back and held in place by a bit of product, I was able to see his face fully. His beard had seen a razor and was trimmed down with a close shave, his eyes were bright and clear, and his stance and gait casual. That morning, I witnessed a man that felt human even though I knew he couldn't be.

"Here it is, Hen's Brew and Stew. Best food in town." He opened the door for me, only for another woman to take the kind gesture for herself as she tried to exit.

"Oh thank you..." The woman stopped suddenly and her eyes jumped between myself and Everett. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's okay, come on through," I said, stepping aside.

"Thank you, you must be the new arrival. I'm Claire Thorn."

"Delilah Cross," I said, accepting her outstretched hand. It was a firm grip. She had some girth to her, but it didn't appear to be from fat. She wore a bulky cardigan that covered most of her arms, however, the collar hung loose around her shoulders, which were far more muscular than I'd ever seen on a woman. A quick glance to her legs showed a pair of thick thighs tugging at her jeans. Jeans, I might add, that didn't necessarily look like they were cut to be so form-fitting.

"I know this must all be pretty scary, but I hope you know that really we're all just people trying to have a normal life."

I redirected my eyes and looked up to find a warm smile on her thin face.

"I'll try to remember that," I said, giving her a nod as I stepped out of her way.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Delilah. If you ever get a pet, you should stop by my office just down the street." She pointed some ways away, but I had no real idea to which building she indicated. "I have my own veterinary clinic here."

"Okay, thank you."

"Have a good day," she said with a bright smile, which shifted when she turned to face the scruffy sheriff, who had kept silent and still since she walked through the door. "You too Everett."

He gave her a nod, though he didn't look her in the eyes or wish her the same in return. She, however, seemed to have expected this as she left without even waiting for a proper response.

"In you go," he said after Claire was gone, "let's get you seated. I want to get going on this investigation and I think you know something."

"You think I'm the killer..."

"No," he said as a hostess directed us to a table. "But, I think you might have some idea of who is."

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