Chapter 25: Aiden drives

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"Oi guys, Alex said that tonight Andre hosted a party in centre point" Aiden says to Zach, Aaron and Reece.

"Who's going?" Zach asks.

"Mass invite" he replies looking at his phone.

"You guys going?" Reece asks.

We all shrug not knowing our decision.

"How will we get there though?" I ask and they all look at me as if I'm stupid or some alien has taken over my body.

"Late night, some of us are sneaking out, you in?" Zach asks.

"Yeah but how are we going to get there in time if were leaving late?" Mia asks.

"Ah your right" Aaron says.

"Well we are pretty stupid because the others are gone near the centre point so they are sneaking out from there" Reece says looking up, switching his phone off.

"We could go from here" Aiden says scratching the back of head.

"It's what? 7pm? It's going to take 3 hours to get there plus I am not going dressed like this" Tessa says receiving a nod from us all.

"Yeah if we leave now, we might just get there" Zach says.

"Andre's got a twin sister so I can text asking her for clothes" Aaron says smirking.

"Yeah we all need a shower too" I say and everyone looks at their selves and grin sheepishly.

"Well let's make a move" Aaron says with a lot of energy.

We all leave and try get are way around the woods, the guys actually used their brains and got some food.

"Oi can I sky some please?" I ask Aiden who's drinking his water bottle.

He smirks but doesn't give it to me so I push the bottle up causing it to tip all over him.

"Oh my god, the mud is liquidy now" Jazz says laughing.

"Aiden you're not so pleasant to touch anymore, look who won't get no girls" Alia says as we all back off from Aiden.

"Nah he's got Kaitlyn" I say making everyone laugh.

"Yeah funny" he says coming fast towards me and giving me a hug.

He squeezed me so tight, that the mud that was on him was actually coming to my mouth.

"EW Aiden that went in my mouth" I say pushing him away.

The warmth faded and was filled in with the cold air. Ugh stop being so cringe.

"Where are we?" Alia whines.

"I'm going to be honest here, I actually don't know myself" Aaron says who's 'supposed' to be leading us out of here.

"AARON" We all shout as he closes his ears.

"Oh I get it now, I had the map the wrong way round" He says as if he figured out rocket science.

"Who put him in charge?" Aiden asks slapping him at the back of his head.

I stop as my eyes are caught by a path where I hear a sounds, and lights.

"Guys, I think I found a way" I say going into the pathway not seeing whether they are following or not.

"Look at this" Aiden smirks picking up a key next to the care once we exited the path.

We all look at him with the same questions until we realise and widen our eyes.

"No way, too dangerous" Tessa says backing up.

"You're crazy if you think you can drive that, your only 14" Mia says with horror in her eyes.

"Actually 15 this year" He corrects her.

"Guys well be careful, I've seen Mason drive cars all the time on the tracks" He says getting in the car and the guys getting in with him.

"What's there too lose?" I say shrugging.

Personally I don't really mind because honestly speaking I have been wanting this for a very long time now.

"Hmm...I don't know, maybe our lives" Mia says mockingly.

"Chill, nothing will happen "I say pushing her into the car.

"Who's driving?" Zach asks.

We all look at Aiden since he knows how to deal with this apparently.

"Aiden push the brake you idiot" I say when the traffic light comes.

He does it and then turns around and attempts to hit me.

"Who you calling idiot, idiot?" he says turning around.

We all laugh and we realise we are in an isolated on way road, all dark with trees and bushes all surrounding us and we start telling horror stories.

In case you guys are wondering on how we know the way to the house party, Reece set up a map on google telling us where to go on his phone.

"Aiden WATCH OUT" I scream when I see what's in front of me.

Hola guys, thanks for all the support from the last chapter. I know this chapter isn't as long as my other chapters but I will update soon but till then let's comment a lot and vote.

Hope you guys like that chapter...




Bye beautiful <3

~ Areeba x

Away from Him (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz