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The doctor came in after doing tests on you and told you, you had good news and bad news 

"Yes Miss Y/n" 

"But this can't be....I mean...are you sure?" "Yes I'm pretty sure" 

"Are you sure these test are right?" "Well miss Y/n I hope you don't mind me asking, but when was the last time you had intercourse with your husband" "Husband?" "Yes I believe is Mr Park?" "How do you know that?" "That is DNA that came up whilst we was doing our testing 


"I'll take that as a yes, so the answer to my question" "2, 3 days ago?" "Did you use protection?" "I don't think so" "So you and Mr Park are trying for a baby I'm guessing?" "..." "Well then Miss Y/n, your likely to be pregnant" 

You sighed and slouched in your chair "Fuck you Jimin" You mumbled under your breath "What was that?" "Oh nothing but you said, that there was bad news" "Ah yes well you know how your pregnant..." "It's dead?!?" You said a little too fast 

"No no no congratulations you are having twins!" You mouth dropped open "TWINS?!?" "Do you want me to call Mr Park in to tell him the news?" "No no that won't be-" "No it's fine I will call him to the hopital and we can arrange appointments" "He'snotinthecountry" You said quickly whilst closing your eyes and holding your breath

"What was that?" "He's not in the country" "Oh is that so" "Yes Doc" "Well then-" "But what if I wanted to move?" "What do you mean" "Like to a different country" "Well then we would send all the medical details and documents, where are you thinking of moving?" "To my mum she just moved to France after my dad died" "France? I can file all your documents and I'll send them right there" "Really?" "Yeah" "Thank you I'll see you soon doctor" "I wish your baby's good health" You smiled and left

*5 days later*

"I can't believe your leaving" Taehyung said in your ear while hugging you "I can't believe I'm pregnant" "You don't have to leave now, I'm mean so soon" "Tae I have too" He frowned and hugged you tighter "Tell Ruby I'll come see her soon and oh yeah do not tell Jimin" "Y/n-" "Promise me" You held out your pinky "I'm not gonna promise you, Y/n the man loves you and your taking his children away from him" He pushed you piny finger down

"Your making me sound like the villain" You pouted at him "It's not like that but if he asks I'm gonna tell him" You sighed "Fine but don't tell him I'm going to France"

"That I will promise you" You smiled and hugged Taehyung one last time "I got to go now bye Tae" You pulled up the luggage and was about to leave but Taehyung grabbed your wrist 

"Don't say bye, say I'll see you tomorrow it feels like your going forever" You chuckled which made Taehyung chuckled as well "I'll see you tomorrow" You said and Taehyung kissed your forehead "I'll see you tomorrow Y/n" He smiled and you turned around feeling tears well up behind your eyes "Y/n I'll see you!!" Taehyung shouted and you laughed making the tears fall down. 

You turned around again and looked at Taehyung and blew a kiss to him and he pretended to catch it, you turned around and walked into the plane. Luckily no one was sitting next to you.

 Once you put your hand luggage away you sat down and fastened your seatbelt. You looked outside into the airport one last time and you smiled, trying to find Taehyung, you thought he'd already left so you was about to shut your window but something or someone caught your eye "Jimin" You whispered his name as you saw him on his knees sobbing while Taehyung was trying to console him, patting his back 

"Jimin" You said again "Jimin" You said again. You kept looking but your phone received a notification

Bestfriend💏💜: Don't leave me x

This broke your heart but you know at this point there was no going back

You: I love you Jimin 

(message not delivered)

You put your phone back into your jacket pocket and looked at your stomach "Well i guess it's just us now" You patted your stomach talking to your 'babies' and rested your head back, shutting your eyes

Holding back the tears, poor Chim

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