Part 9

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It wasn't until the bell rang for lunch and Charlie began to pack up his things that Travis spoke again. "Um."

Charlie paused what he was doing and glanced at Travis. "Hm?"

"Um," Travis repeated as tried to think of something to say. All he knew was that he didn't want to leave the room without Charlie at his side. "I'm supposed to play at lunch today for a while. You know, on the stage. You could come, if you want. If you feel like it."

"Okay. Now?"

Travis let out a breath. "Uh, I'm up second. I was going to eat first. You could eat with me, though, if you want."

There was a moment of hesitation and Travis was sure Charlie was about to say no, but then he simply nodded and resumed packing up his things.

Travis bit back the smile that threatened to take over his face, sure that if Charlie glanced up and saw his expression he would realise Travis' feelings and be disgusted, or afraid, or... something. Something not good.

Charlie looked as nervous as he always did as he followed Travis out of the classroom, head down and shoulders hunched, eyes darting towards any loud sounds or fast movements. Travis wanted nothing more than to see him relax, but he had no idea how to achieve that. He wasn't even sure it was a capability he possessed.

The place Travis ate lunch was a good spot, a cluster of benches on a tiled cement surface sheltered by the trees that grew in garden beds surrounding the area. It was somewhat out of the way of general foot traffic, but it was adjacent to the grassed area the stage sat on so they could watch whoever was performing through the trees that separated the two spaces. It was prime lunchtime real estate taken up by a group of people which tended to shift from one day to the next. Drama and music folk, mostly, often busy with their own projects during break, plus a few people who stuck around just because they enjoyed the entertainment.

New faces always drew attention, though, and Charlie was no exception. He shifted uncomfortably when he realised all eyes in the group Travis had led him to were on him.

"Charlie!" Eliza greeted enthusiastically, as though they were good friends. As far as Travis knew, she'd never actually spoken to him.

Charlie's eyes darted up to land on her, and Travis saw the confusion twist on his face. He glanced at Travis for help.

"I'm in your geography class," Eliza explained patiently, not at all hurt that Charlie didn't recognise her.

"Oh," Charlie said, and then, "Oh. You told me where my English class was."

Eliza beamed. "Yeah! Okay, let me introduce you to everyone. This is my sister, KC, and that's Brice, he's an artist, and his girlfriend Sonya." The three of them waved to Charlie and Charlie lifted a hesitant hand to wave back as Eliza continued pointing people out. "Leon and Nat, drama geeks, and Luke, his band's setting up on the stage right now. Luke, shouldn't you be over there?"

Luke shrugged and swallowed his mouthful of chicken wrap. "They'll wait for me."

"They didn't last time," Travis pointed out. "Vocals aren't strictly required."

Luke frowned in the direction of the stage before standing and shouldering his bag, heaving a sigh as he headed for his bandmates. KC shuffled closer to Eliza to make room on the bench next to her for Travis and Charlie. Travis claimed the spot next to her, guessing that Charlie would be more comfortable not being boxed in.

Eliza was listing the names of Luke's bandmates and Charlie was nodding along, but his eyes were wide and vacant and it was clear he was overwhelmed.

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