Chapter Twenty-Two: Earth's Mightiest Mortal

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The minute Silvia had left the Daily Planet building she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket

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The minute Silvia had left the Daily Planet building she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. It was an old, busted up Nokia that displayed texts in an outdated font. She had found it in the gutter years ago in working condition. It could only be assumed that it fell out of someone's purse but with no contact information to even attempt returning it, Silvia felt justified in keeping it.

The screen instantly displayed the message in small writing without any need to click onto the menu. 'You told me to update you on super villain movements instead of contracts. I heard that there's trouble in Fawcett City but I can't be sure who's causing it.'

Silvia immediately texted back confirmation that she had received this message and raced to the nearest train station. Fawcett City was further away then Gotham but still close enough to warrant checking it out.

The city was simply urban, just like she'd imagined - tall buildings in an exact grid pattern. Ubiquitous skyscrapers were smudged by the smog-filled sky, and it had more sunlight than Gotham but couldn't compare to Metropolis. Cars raced between red traffic lights, stubbornly flickering in the grey. She could hear a few birds soaring across the horizon and... multiple people running.

Silvia quickly turned to see smoke swirling in the horizon. Her eyes narrowed. Apparently that was where she needed to go.

Silvia found an empty alleyway and quickly got changed, then bolted down the street like an Olympic champion at the start gun but a lot less graceful. Her pace quickened to an all out sprint when she spotted a crowd rushing away from the area. Inside a flaming building was where she skidded to a halt. There she was faced with the largest man she'd ever laid eyes on... bigger than even Superman.

Silvia arched her neck in a strained attempt to get a good look at him. He towered over her both in height and weight. He was around 6'8 with the muscles of a bodybuilder. Veins crept visibly through each arm in bulging blue and his face was obscured, much like hers, with a mask.

"What... the... fuck..." Silvia gasped at the sight of him. Already she felt like she had no chance.

"Yeah, he's pretty scary looking, isn't he?" Someone spoke from behind her. Though Silvia was reluctant to turn her back on the giant of a man, she did so anyway to see who was speaking. Shazam was floating a few inches from the ground with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. "His name's Bane. Don't worry, he's not that tough."

"Really? Then I'll leave this to you." Silvia replied.

"Ah yeah, about that... Black Adam was actually using Bane as a distraction so I need to go find him." Shazam gave a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head childishly. "Unless, of course, you want to go after him instead. He's put up a pretty good fight between both me and Superman once... at the same time. I'm sure you'll come up with something though."

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