Terrible Liar

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Sophia's Pov

"Nice appartement." the voice echoed inside my still empty house. I , after running away from Axel, decided to do anything to keep my mind from thinking about him and our near kiss. I decided to start moving furniture to my new appartement. As I said anything to forget how my body and soul both wanted his touch, how I silently cursed the taxi driver again and again. I wanted to be held by Axel again but why trust him with my heart again? His eyes were full of held tears and that made my heart break further. I don't want to cause him any pain but at the same time, I want to assure the safety of my already broken heart. 

"What are you doing here?" Surprised, I nearly knocked the vase in my hands. Questioning turned around,to face the same man that I wanted to run away from. I am building walls around my heart to keep it safe but here he comes to wreck them all and capture my soul and breaths again. Dressed in a simple bleu shirt and jeans still made him look god-like. His eyes popped more and hypnotized me. I was sinking in his blue orbs. My breaths hitched as I watched him standing at the open door of my new house. Yet, I had to act strong. Remember Sophia, he ignored you for two years and picked Liza over you even after falling in love with him. 

"It is dangerous to keep the door open you know?" He asked ignoring me and took steps further inside. I wanted to yell and throw him out but I knew for sure that he is stubborn and will for sure ignore me. 

"I am waiting for help." I informed and started to take the vase in hand to it designated place

"What help?" Axel asked and I heard his steps behind me

"Adam, Mitchell, Bless and maybe luca "I informed without looking at him

"Luca the lawyer?" Axel asked back 

"The one and only." I simply said as I placed the vase in the corner of my new living room

"Why would he help? Is there anything going between you two?" Axel continued but his tone sounded stifled and a bit angry 

"Does it matter to you?" I dared and turned to face him returning the same anger. How dare he question my relations and my faithfulness. Is he truly this stupid? Doesn't he see the love that I still hold for him? 

"You know the answer to such question Gem." he shot back and dear god how I missed hearing such nickname. It nearly made me smile and ruin all my strong girl facade but I have to remember what he did. He cheated and picked her , not me , but her.

"I know nothing when it comes to you." I fired again and saw his blue eyes darkening a bit 

"Nothing, huh?" he questioned stepping near me, just one more step and it will be the usual scenario face to face, chest to chest and a kiss.

"Yup and why should I? Remember, I am not a priority of yours. So, you are not a priority of mine either." I shot at him and saw his features coloring in pain but then stubbornness and determination 

"You are my only priority." He promised 

"Sure now that your beloved Liza is out of the picture. But when she is out of rehab and still needing care, you are going to run for her rescue. I will become your second or third or last priority by then." I sarcastically said throwing him an angry glare. 

"She helped me when my father died so I returned the favor." He explained again 

"You could have helped her just like a friend. I would have never stopped you if you said the truth. I would have helped you." I yelled at him

"She wanted me back. Bringing you with me would have tortured her more." he yelled back

"See she is still your priority." I pointed while tears filled my eyes

"She stopped being my priority ages ago. I love you Sophia." He promised and took that one step that separated us 

"You don't." I denied shaking my head and avoiding his eyes

"I do. I love you to the point of hiring a private investigator to follow you around, to the point of talking to Adam and starting a truce with him. I called him talk about you. I even tried to bribe Bless into visiting you but she still hates me. She threatened to slit my throat if I talk to her before you come back again to the mansion. She is scary even though I am way taller than her." Axel informed and I couldn't believe what he said 

"You talked to Adam ?" I doubted but he nodded at me

"Yes, I wanted him to know how much I truly care for you. I wanted to come today to his house and visit you but he told me that you would be here." Axel explained

"That's why he didn't want to come here with me , right away, because you planned to show up!" I finally concluded remembering the weird actions, vibes and arguments that Adam started today

"He is finally convinced that you are mine." Axel declared making me look at him and his eyes became brighter with such acknowledgement 

"I am not." I tried to deny but my heart leaped at his words and my heartbeats accelerate. I , like a little girl, looked at his chest again to avoid his eyes. I didn't want him to know that I was lying and that my heart is still his. 

"Sophia, just quit lying to yourself, to me to the world. You know that you like  or even love me. You said it before and love cannot just evaporate to thin air in days." Axel replied in a hush as his hand tipped my chin up so I can look him in the eye again

"I... I am not...L... lying" I tried to assure him but my voice started to fail me the moment Axel started to lean in , closing his eyes "What..are...you...eh...doing?" I questioned feeling my mind going blank

"Proving to you that you are one terrible liar." He hushed huskily and his lips descended connecting with mine in a very passionate and demanding kiss. It started a bit rough. I didn't want to react but once Axel's hand circled my waist, I just sighed admitting defeat and kissed him back with the same passionate turning the rough kiss into a slow loving one.

"See sweetheart  you are mine and my solo priority." Axel hushed against my lips as I tried to control my heavy breaths and pounding heart. 

Goody Two Shoes #Wattys2017Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя