Chapter 1

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 It was early on a sunny, summer, Sunday morning when Albert Peterson reluctantly boarded an old yellow school bus. He was heading for camp. A summer camp that he actually knew nothing about.
He was surprised to be sitting here. His parents had suddenly told him, about three days ago, that they had found a camp for him to spend a week at. Sure, they had been complaining that he needed to get out and find something to do, but there was something odd about the way they were secretive with the details of this camp, insisting he would find out when he got there.

"It'll be fun," they told him. "Lots of new experiences, lots of new friends."

"A whole new world," his mom added.

Albert was twelve now and for the first time he had finally been getting to spend some time home alone when his parents needed to go out.

That, he loved.  His times alone were exciting and full of discovery about himself, the times he was happiest. This was the complete opposite of whenever his parents were home and all he ever did was sit in front of the TV, on his cell phone.

The thought occurred to him that maybe his mother had figured out he was getting into her things when she wasn't home and this was what brought on the sudden trip.

He thought he was careful, folding her undies back exactly as they has been before, re-hanging her dresses just as free had found them, but maybe, somehow she figured it out.

The more he thought about it though, the more he convinced himself she couldn't possibly know.

The bus slowed and pulled into the Fashion Towne Mall parking lot. Where another boy got on the bus while his mother waved goodbye to him. He walked toward the back looking for an empty seat, taking one on the opposite side of the aisle from Albert.

He immediately scooted over against the window and stared out as the bus hissed and began rolling on to the next stop.

Overall there would be twenty-one boys on the bus when it finally reached its destination, few enough that they each had their own seat and nobody seemed inclined to start a conversation. This felt very odd to Albert, but then he wasn't really interested in talking to anyone anyways.

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