Chapter 6

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At the sound of the whistle, all the boys flooded toward the door and back into the sunlight.

As they gathered together Amy checked them all out. "Very good!" she praised them. "What a fine collection of little girls I have this time. I'm glad everyone decided to join in."

"What if someone hadn't?" Terry called out.

"Oh," Amy shook her head, "we all want to have a good time this week. Nobody wants to have to wash dishes after the meals, or be denied dessert, or have to be responsible for sweeping out the cabins, or so many other tasks that can be assigned to girls who decide to cause problems. We want to be learning new things in classes, and out in the sunshine playing or swimming."

"Just because I am dressed like this doesn't mean I'm a girl," Terry spoke again. "You keep calling us girls."

"What is your name, dear?" Amy spoke as she moved closer. "Your new chosen name."


"Ah, I see, Terri. Don't be a trouble maker, Terri. Now, everyone, listen up and I will cover a few things before we start our tour. First, why you are here is nobody's business but your own unless you choose to tell someone. One reason you chose a new name is so we won't know who is who from their applications. There isn't any reason for me or any other counselors to know, other than reading the applications to decide whether you can come here or not.

"Next, while you are here, from now... until you get back onto your bus you will think of everyone else in this camp as a girl. So get used to talking about HER, or SHE, or using her chosen name. Do not get caught or reported for referring to someone with any other pronoun or by their birth name.

"Lastly, once you get through this week we will take your opinion into account on whether you ever come back here again. Maybe this doesn't work for you and you have parents that don't understand. If you say you don't want to come back, and they try and send you back, your application will be rejected. Please try and be open-minded, enjoy this experience, and have a great week.

"Now that should take care of that. Are you girls ready for the tour?"

"Yes!" most responded.

Amy headed off and they all eagerly followed her bouncing ponytail as she excitedly described each of the things they passed: the Olympic-sized swimming pool, the archery range, the beach volleyball pits, tennis courts, the dining hall, pond pier, hiking trail, and more.

They walked around for more than half an hour before finding themselves outside a small booth.

"This here is called the canteen. It is your treat stop," Amy explained. "You will each have a card with $35 credit on it. Today, you will sign your card with your new name and then you can buy whatever you like as long as your money lasts. There's candy and other snacks. Spend wisely or you'll be out of money before you're out of week.

"The ladies at the picnic pavillion over there are preparing to serve you girls hotdogs for lunch. I'll send you over there in a moment, but first, just a few more things. At 1600, that's 4 pm, you will hear music over the speaker system. This will be the signal to return to your cabin and get changed into a dress for dinner. You may then go to the dining hall. Dinner service will start at 1730 and end at 1815. If you miss dinner, you don't get to eat, so be prompt.

"Okay, that's all for now. If you have any questions or problems I can be found around camp. If you need me immediately, go to the help desk in the main house there, and they will call me over the PA.

"Well girls, this is it! During lunch you'll have a class on the feminine manners and mannerisms you'll be expected to exhibit while here and then you'll be on your own for a while. Pay attention in the class, ask questions, and take copious mental notes. Oh, and have fun!"

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