Chapter Twelve

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I walked down the hallway in a haze, only partially conscious of my whereabouts.

I kissed Kieran. No, that wasn't kiss, it was a mutual mauling that I had initiated. Initially, it was just supposed to last long enough for me to get his knife, but I had enjoyed it and let it go on a little longer than necessary. My brain reprimanded me for it, but my body pestered me to try it just one more time.

After I ended the kissing with a clearly unexpected knife play, he returned to his usual gruff and distant self. He went over a few other ways to get out of that situation without going the sexual route and explained why it wouldn't work with people who would want to hurt me. He kept a good distance between us at all times while he grunted orders at me during this time and brusquely dismissed me when we were done.

The entire thing was painfully awkward.

I absentmindedly opened my door when I got to it and instantly tugged my clothes off with shaky, impatient hands. I could still smell him and it was messing with my head. I was unbuttoning my pants when Alec made himself known.

"You really need to pay more attention to your surroundings, Princess," he said as he sat back comfortably against the headboard of my bed.

I sighed and continued taking my clothes off but without the haste. I turned to look for my sleep T-shirt when I heard Alec breathing in deeply. I froze for half a second and then continued, hoping he hadn't noticed anything.

"Babe, I smelled him on you the second you opened the door." I could hear his grin and knew he wasn't going to let this go.

I continued looking for my shirt silently, trying to ignore him.

He continued, "This is so strange. I don't recognize his scent, but that doesn't make sense. I know everyone here."

I looked over my shoulder briefly to see he had sat up straighter and leaned forward in interest.

Damn shifter nose.

Staying stubbornly silent, I slipped my shirt on and turned slowly. I tugged my hair out from under the shirt and bit the inside of my lip out of habit.

"Echo, come on. I know for a fact that you aren't shy. Now stop torturing me with silence and give me the dirty details, starting with who the guy is." He was practically bouncing in anticipation.

I feigned ignorance. "What on earth are you going on about?"

Anyone could have easily told you I was lying and I found it to be a bad representation of my amazing skills of deception.

His eyes lit with mirth as they darted to my neck. "Look in a mirror and try saying that again."

Confused, I touched my neck and rushed to the bathroom. Immediately, I saw what he was talking about.

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

The bastardy bit me hard enough to leave a mark that was already bruising. I mean, I was very easy to bruise, but still.

"Alec, you're almost as pale as me. Do you wear makeup?" I asked loudly while I assessed the damage.

It wasn't good.

He appeared at the doorway and shook his head. "No, this beauty is all natural."

He paused and looked me over. "And, honey, there's at least a three shade difference between us. You're practically translucent. You should really get out of whatever cave you've taken up in."

I gave him an overly fake laugh while giving him a playful glare in the mirror.

"Bitch," I tossed out as I tried hiding my neck behind my hair. I frowned when it did little to help.

"Slag," he threw back with a smile.

I turned to look at him oddly.

"What? The British really got something right when they came up with that one. There's an internal conflict within me whenever I have to choose between slut and slag." He looked truly troubled by the choice between the similar words and it made me press my lips together to keep from laughing.

He shook his head as if to clear it and stood up straighter with a renewed determination.

"No," I blurted as soon as I recognised the wheels turning in his head.

He opened his mouth and I interrupted before he had a chance to say anything.


"But..." He still looked hopeful and I simply couldn't have that.


"Echo," the whine in his voice tempted me to smile but I wouldn't budge.

"Nope," I leaned against the bathroom sink and crossed my arms.

"I just-," he attempted.

"Not happening," I said, cutting him off.

"I will withhold any and all of my social knowledge from you, Echo," he threatened.

I couldn't help it anymore. A grin took over my face as I remained silent.

"What? You think I won't? I will. I'll do it." He nodded seriously.

No, he wouldn't. He knew as well as I did that he wouldn't.

I shook my head slowly and continued to watch him come undone by the frantic need to know everything.

He stared at me in shock and then deflated into a pout.

This somehow had me grinning even wider. There was a possibility that I may have been enjoying it more than I needed to be.

"Fine, but you have to do something for me since I'm letting this go." He picked imaginary lint off his shirt to avoided looking at me as he sulked.

Okay, I was curious. I'd play along.

"And what is this thing you want me to do?" I asked, half expecting it to be sexual in nature.

"You're going to a party with me tonight." He automatically perked up and looked at me with big eyes.

I hesitated to agree. Don't get me wrong, I loved a good party, but full of shifters?

"Please?" Alec pulled me closer by my shirt and stuck his bottom lip out in a pleading pout.

My lips turned up and I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head. Alec recognized the look of acceptance and triumph lit his face as a blinding smile spread across his face.

"Trust me, you'll love it."

Her Hidden Half (War Songs of the Courts #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang