(38) Stupid Adventures

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I bit my lip and looked at Blake that looked scared, well he will be scared who wont be scared with three boys crossed arms glaring that you could be six under for sure.

"I...Its not what it looks like" I stutter.

"Really? We've been calling you for 20 minutes and Becca came but still" Jax spoke.

"What are you to up to?" Dylan raise his eyebrow.

"I gonna kill you if my sister got pregnant at seventeen!" Carter warned.

"Nothing happened!"

"Really? Making out with a shirtless boy on top of you is nothing?" I gulp and the boys snap their heads to becca. Whoa! That was to fast for an almost for a whip splash.

"When we get to Europe you will be so grounded Alexa Nicole!" Jax scolded, I sigh and nodded.

"And for you Blake I got nothing!" Dylan shrugged and walk to the kitchen and heard Blake snicker beside me. Why do boys have be stupid sometimes?. I rolled my eyes and looked up.

"Where's the papers?" I asked changing the topic. I walked down the stairs and they are holding the papers and a pen, I grab it amd walk to the basement.

"Where are you going?" Dylan asked.

"The basement so our parents could sign this and other stuff then we are ready to move on!" I said and heard Carter and Jax mumbled and followed me.

"Hey Geo!" I greeted and walk in seeing my parents tied up on a chair. "Hey parents!"

"What have you done to yourselves!" Mom sneered.

"I don't know but I could ask you the same thing" I chirp. "But if you wanna get out here alive then all you have to do is sign these papers and your are off" I gave them a smile.

"We won't sign those papers!" Dad yelled. I rolled my eyes and walk to a table where its covered with a cloth, I remove it seeing a tons of torture weapons.

"Innie, Meanie, Minie, Mo what weapon will I use?" I sang I looked at them amd they looked scared.

"Okay we will sign the papers! Just don't kill us!" Mom spoke. I smiled and gave them the pen, they both sign the papers.

"Thank you!" I smiled in victory and walk out.

"When will we get out?" Dad shouted.

"That depends when you will die!" I shouted back.

"It's all good to go!" I spoke as I ran to the car and sat down waiting for them to arrive.

"Are you really sure that you're ready to start a new life?" Carter asked once he hopped on the passenger seat. I stayed quite for a moment and all of them are waiting for me to speak.

"I might not deserve having a new life but it could be a fresh start. Am I ready to start a new life No! I won't, I'm happy of what I have here right now. I have 3 brothers that cared for me, Friends that will be with me along the way and a boyfriend that will love me the same way. We have a great future ahead of us so why not make the present memorable even its worst than what you think." I finished off.

"Well I thought that we might just finish highschool to make memories even the police population came looking us maybe we could make it an Adventure. Like I what promised to Alex that he will be with me along the way even between life or death, I promised that I will continue our stupid Adventures and now it came to this."

They all smiled at me making me smile even more. I think its too stupid to be this kind of girl but in life my desicions might be stupid like what I did but the result of it I made my family stronger. Even though my parents are what you call family, i'll let them call the persons that created me because family is always with you, making you happy and never ever leaving you we you need them the most.

And thats what I learned making bad decisions make regrets but what I really learned is Family sticks together no matter how big or small the problem was. I am happy of what I have right now.

This is my family. My family that I will love from the moon and back.


I know its short but, I am sad to say that the book is near to an end and I'm thankful for your votes and being great readers adding my story to your library.

Thank you💋

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