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Chapter 1

Dear Clara,

Hello dear friend I miss you so much I don't see why you had to move to London when Bonn is perfectly safe. My parents are always talking about politics I really am not concerned at all about the topic as it bores me to sleep. Macey and I have started a study group with some other girls from school we look over all our work then gossip about the usual things. Madison gave me her one of her magazines to read it's a magnificent issue I adore it. Right now I'm in Mrs. Gossling's class she bores me even more than politics do. Franklin Header is reading a selection form A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens one of my favourites. I must go now since it's almost my time to read.


"Miss Baker will you ever pay attention?" my head shot up as I heard my name.

"Miss Baker I have been calling your name over ten times and all you've been doing is writing!" Mrs. Gossling was very cross at me she came up to my desk and slapped her ruler against it.

"Would you care to share Miss Baker since my lesson seems to be fair more less interesting then your writing."

"Oh no thank you Mrs. Gossling." my heart pounded in my chest as I spoke to my teacher.

"Now now Miss Baker don't be so modest go share your writing with your class mates." I got out of my seat smoothed my beautiful navy blue skirt and walked up to the front. I took deep breaths and everyone could see my letter shaking in my hands even before I spoke.

I read aloud and most of the kids laughed at my letter everyone laughed at the witty comment I made about Mrs. Gossling. For the rest of the class I had to read Mrs. Gossling said it was to keep me busy. When the bell rung I burst out of my seat and ran out of class. Madison caught up to me and we walked home together she lived across the street from me so after school I went to her house instead of mine.

"You where so brave Vi I can't believe you actually did that! If Mrs. Gossling ever made me read one of my letters to the class I would have fainted."

"I am just glad that she didn't eat my head off when I said she was a bore." we both laughed. Then Madison's twin brother walked in I immediately straightened my white blouse and skirt. 

"What's so funny?"

"Violet called Gossling a bore!" Madison almost fell over laughing I laughed a bit to.

"Well she is very boring. All she dose is stammer on about Shakespeare." Madison's twin Shane said between laughs. 

"I just came in to borrow a pencil do you have any Maddy?"

"Yes here you go." Madison handed Shane a pencil and we stopped laughing. Shane left and I fell onto Madison's bed.

"Oh Maddy why is he so perfect." 

"You're crazy Violet." Madison sat next me and I sat up.

"No if he wasn't your brother you would know what I mean. He's got beautiful brown hair and those eyes crystal blue those are just to die for."

"He gets it all from me." Madison flipped her long brown hair and we laughed again.


The next day my father woke me up very early in the morning. 

"Violet wake up darling your mother is about to have your new sibling."

"What? Now!" I ran out of bed my mother was in her room on her bed giving birth my father lead me out of the room.

"I don't want you in there Violet you won't like it so go have breakfast with your sister while you're waiting." I nodded and sat next to my older sister Marie.

 Mother was in there for about another hour my father came to fetch me and Marie. My mother was laying on her bed holding a small bundle of blankets. I walked over to great my new baby sister Anna Shara Grace Baker. My father handed the mid-wife his camera to take a family picture.

I was now a big sister.

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