The begining of hate

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Dear Clara,

I have the greatest news mother had the baby! We welcomed Anna Shara Grace Baker into the world August twenty second nineteen thirty nine. Oh Clara I wish you were here she is the cutest most adorable thing in the world she almost never cries and has the most beautiful smile. Yesterday Madison and Macy came over to see her they agree with me. Mrs. Gossling caught me writing your last letter in class she made me read it to the class it was terrifying but everyone thought it was hilarious when I called her a bore! I went to Madison's house after school and Shane came in he thought the joke was funny as well he is so handsome and kind Madison thinks I'm out of my mind but he is her brother. Well I must go now mother is calling me to help with Anna.

Love Violet

"Sweetheart could you be a dear and give Anna her food?"

"Yes Mother." I called from my bedroom Anna was growing pretty fast she was a little over a week and you could see her getting older already. She was inside her crib inside my parents room I picked her up and fed her. Then Marie came home from her part time job she rushed in and turned on the radio.

"Mutter schnell kommen" she called from the living room.

"Was ist das gewagte?" my mother came in as quickly as possible. I followed her from the bed room to listen in.

"Germany has just crossed the lines of Poland and the British are not happy. They have declared a war on Germany along with France. Already three countries declare neutrality Finland, Switzerland and Norway have all deiced not to participate in The War. Now to the..." my mother turned off the radio and fell onto the sofa.

"War, how long has it been? Twenty years? We don't need this no one needs war." my mother froze on the sofa a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Mother please don't cry." my older sister went to comfort my mother Anna cried I went to calm her but I could still hear their conversation.

"Hasn't he done enogh? Making us wear these stupid stars, forcing us out of society? I knew it from the minute that he became Chancellor Hitler was evil." my mother couldn't hold it back anymore she started to cry.

"Mother it will be okay I promise." my sister tried to calm my poor mother. I looked down at the star on my blouse I felt it and realized it was a symbol a symbol that I was seen in the eyes of others as a criminal a mistake.

"My children... marked as criminals from birth... even little Anna she hasn't done anything..." mother cried between sobs. I looked at my sister it was awful my little dear sweet innocent sister was seen as a criminal and through who's eyes? Through the eyes of the mothers of the girls I used to play with, through the eyes of the teacher who used to teach me and through the eyes of the man who was leading my country.


The next day my parents told me that we where moving. I was shocked to hear we where going to leave our beautiful house in Germany for a small apartment in the Netherlands. I was told to pack my suitcase and wear as little clothing as possible since we didn't want to attract any unwanted attention. My father was a well known doctor and could only work at a Jewish only hospital he was well respected and loved by the Jewish citizens. He told me that if we where ever captured by the Nazi they would treat us with some decency, this calmed some of my nerves. He told me to do as the Nazi asked show my passport when asked, follow them when asked and answer all their questions.

"Mama why must we leave?" I whinnied.

"Kleine I told you it's not safe here anymore. The laws they've gone up..." my mother looked down and her voice trailed off.

"Now go pack your stuff we have to go." my mother's voice grew stricter as she spoke. I went into my room and packed my things my fingers froze at a photograph of Me, Macy and Madison. A small tear fell down my cheek as I picked up the photo I quickly placed it into my suitcase.

"Goodbye." I whispered to the photo.

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