Quarantine - Seven

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Huh? What?

I bolt upright in my bed gasping loudly, trying desperately to fill my empty lungs. I claw at my chest as if I'm trying to actually free my pounding heart from my body. I wake up in such a terrified shock that it takes me far too long to realize that was only a dream.

I'm not actually in danger at all.

"Urgh, God," I groan as reality kicks in. "What a mess."

I still feel dreadful, the sleep hasn't done anything for me, but there's no point in me trying to rest any longer. Not if I'm having nightmares. I kick my feet off the bed and wander aimlessly through my apartment, only glancing upwards to look at the clock.

Twelve fourteen. Still, plenty of time to get work done. But of course, I need a drink first...

Once I'm fully caffeinated, I grab my yellow legal pad out and I note down everything I'm sure of, or at least semi-sure of, to try and find a link.

Each victim is unique, but this is the general method of infection is this:

1. It begins with flu-like symptoms: colds, coughs, fatigue, nausea, stiff joints...that kind of thing.

2. Victims begin to have lapses in memory, which leaves them confused and angry.

3. The organs begin shutting down, which leaves the infected in great pain and distress.

4. They slowly lose all of their personality and become overwhelmed by an intense hunger.

5. Eventually, victims become a slave to the AM13 virus. Their only goal becomes biting others. Some say to eat people, others suggest that it's to spread the virus. I don't know.

So, what is it?

· It's viral, that much is definite. Any medical professional can see that.

· Zombies...some people call the infected zombies. I can see why, I suppose, but I'm not one to believe in Haitian Voodoo. Anyway, the victims don't really 'die'. There isn't a death period before they wake up, as shown by the list above. They just change.

· Drugs. Could drugs have caused this? Has this been created on purpose?

Would someone have really done this? Could someone have such little regard for human life that they would create such a monstrosity? I'd like to assume 'no', but I can't. There are sick people out there. There are people who do terrible things and this might just be one of them.

Maybe even one that went too far.

Okay, this isn't helping me really. Again I know how it works, I need to work out how to stop it.

Possible solutions:

· Replenishing the white blood cells quicker than the victims lose them.

· Look into antibiotics. It's a long shot, but worth a try.

· Could there be a way for the body to eventually fight off the virus itself? Humans are strong and capable. But maybe not enough for this...

Hmm, that's not a long enough list. I can't stop here, but I'm going to need a lot more caffeine if my brain is going to produce any more ideas.  

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