Chapter 7

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Draen's PoV

15 days. 15 days since I lost my ship, my crew, my kingdom, and my life. 14 days since I found out my betrothed was dead. 13 days since I last saw anyone who could help me. The pirate girl still keeps me in the brig but was... kind enough to give me clothing to wear so I'm not rotting in the filth I first came to this ship in. I cannot decide if I regret that day. Regret swinging over to a hostile ship to engage. I don't know what I was thinking. That I could somehow disable an entire pirate ship on my own and take it hostage as my own crew was brutally slaughtered. Head full of heroic tales my father used to tell me. Of brave princes sailing the seas and killing pirates. Tales of a king who ruled no lands but the sea instead. He said that was the origine of our people and for all my innocence, I believed it. He said it was in our blood to hunt pirates and I believed him. Some pirate hunter I make.

I lean my head against the bars of my cell window and stare at the horizon. We've been traveling and have seen no one for days on end. The captain hardly sleeps, taking her meals at the wheel and never shifting her gaze from an ever growing horizon. Never shifting course. I count it as a blessing to have not seen another ship, I cannot watch her destroy more lives and kill more innocents.

The cell door slides open and I spin on my heel to meet a smiling Ren. A chill races up my spine at her. She usually smiles at me, knowing the effect it has. But today, something different seems to shine in her menacing smile, something in her eyes. "Good morning Ren. Has the captain finally ordered my death?" I sigh. The same greeting every day. And every day the same response:

" 'Ello Prince. Unfortunately, not today." No other words. She leads me out of the cell just like everyday before and the sun greets me along with the shouts of the crew. Today, there seems to be more quiet than usual. No shouts, none of the usual creaking of ropes and wood. The only sounds are the fluttering of sails in the wind. My eyes travel to the pirate girl. Where could she be heading? Ive done my time studying stars and maps and know for certain nothing is out here. Nothing... unless... unless she intends to make good on her vow to maroon my on an island. Suddenly, two words ring out over the ship from the mast.

"Land ho!" The crew erupts in cheers and I whirl around to look upon the horizon. There, blurred by distance, an island comes into view. I swallow and clench my jaw. So I am to be left on an island, then. I know the rules of piracy, I am to be left with a pistol with one shot. That shot intended to end my life before starvation or madness can. I march up to the pirate girl.

"A pistol, then," I say with my hand out help to her. She looks at my hand and then at my face and starts laughing. Laughing! I narrow my eyes at her. "If I am to be maroon, I am to be given a pistol."

"I haven't decided what I am to do with you yet, boy. And that island," she says, inclining her head to the fast approaching land mass, "is not for marooning."

"Then what other reason have you for taking us to an island in the middle of nowhere in not to finally be rid of me?" I demand.

"This island in the middle of nowhere," she smiles, "is home." Home? This pirate had no home. Pirates are wretched humans cursed by the creator to never have a place on land. I scoff at her, but say nothing more as the land mass comes more into focus. I scowl at it with contempt. Whatever this place is, it must be tainted with piracy. This ship, WindFlyer, makes good time. She's fast and before I know it, we are nearing the dock. There is only one dock and no other ships are here. As the crew begins latching us to the land I get my first look at this place.

It is a city. There are stalls of vendors set up where scents of spices and breads waft up to us. People selling silks and other finely crafted wares. It city is beautiful itself. There are gardens atop man buildings, a glass bridge over a small river. Small business type shops are interspersed throughout. I hate this place and all it's beauty. Everything here bought through pillaging and plundering and the blood of innocent people. The blood of my people and the people of the archipelago.

The cheers of people break my thoughts. But not the crew this time. This time, it is people on the dock who have come to greet the entering ship. I should yell that them that they will all die.  That this is a pirates vessel and all their small businesses and shops are about to be in ruin. Where are the lords and the armed guards to protect these people? The warning dies on my lips as I see the first mate of this ship swing down to the dock and embrace a woman. "His wife," the pirate girl whispers in my ear. Shock courses through my veins. A pirate with a wife? Impossible. "Come," she urges me. Her crew unloads the trove, not only won from the KingsPrice, but several other chests as well. How long had they been at sea?

The pirate girl struts down the gang plank and I follow just behind. Her entire demeanor seems to change as soon as she hits land. She begins greeting people and clasping hands with them, as if she knows them. As if they are friends.

"Captain! Hail the return of the captain!" One voice calls out.

"Welcome home, Captain!" Another. Several of the people have tears in their eyes as they behold the girl. A sour taste enters my mouth. If only these people knew the girl before them.

We walk down the main street of the city. People wave from second story windows and shops, offering the girl free goods and wares. She denies all of them graciously and I scoff. Of course she doesn't need anything from these people, she can plunder for equal if not better goods. Some people even go so far as to throw flower pedals on us as we walk. I hear the girl laugh, she sounds young when she does. Her eyes alight with an emotion I cannot quite place. The further we get from the main hub, the more the crowd dies down until we reach a more residential area.

"Taking me to the prison?" I ask with a roll of my eyes.

She turns to me and creases her brow. "There is no prison here."

"Why? Worried that they would lock you up like you deserve?" I sneer back. She merely rolls her eyes at me before speaking.

"You'll be staying in my private residence. I won't have my crew leaving their homes just to watch over the likes of you," she says, her tone dismissing. I fumble a moment. Her private residence... perhaps I can use it to escape. So little security around. I'm sure I can find a vessel to sail on and flee the island.

We enter a two story home, not lavishly decorated but rather... homey. A warm place. So at odds with the murderous, cold pirate. I am led up the stairs and down a hall. "You may get cleaned up in here, a fresh set of clothing should be on the bed and there is a bathing room attached. The offer of dining together still stands, I will stop by this room in an hour for your response." With that, I am left in the room alone.

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