Chapter 24

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Ominous thoughts squirmed at the back of Lillian's mind. Even the weather matches her mood. She glances out her bedroom window at the vast expanse of jet-black in the sky. Bolts of lightning struck in the distance followed by the mighty roar of thunder.

Shivers form on her body as if a tarantula were running up her spine. She hadn't felt at ease since Amelia's revelation.

Amelia explained to her why she believed The Lurker couldn't be Seth. She'd shown her the threatening text and it made her stomach twist. She'd thought it was finally over. She'd hoped.

I should have known it wasn't so easy.

She felt guilty for immediately assuming Seth was guilty, but the biggest part of her wanted it to be true. If it was true, then it would all be over. She'd barely slept last night and she doubts she will tonight. It's all become too much.

She continues to dazedly stare out the window as she admires the way the leaves dance in rhythm with the wind. An irate bolt of lightning strikes, revealing a figure seeking refuge under the willow tree in front of her home. It's too dark to make out who it is, but it's as if she could suddenly feel the piercing gaze on her. Another bolt strikes, revealing the hooded form.

She gasps and ducks away from the window. Her breaths are heavy and she clutches her chest as it begins to ache. The realization hits her as if she'd been struck by one of the lethal bolts.

The Lurker.

She sprints to her bed to retrieve her phone and hurriedly dials the familiar number.

"Pick up, Amelia." She pleads as the phone rings.

"Lillian?" She greets.

"Amelia, The Lurker is outside my home." She cries down the line and Amelia gasps.

"Make sure everything is locked." She orders. "I'm on my way."

Amelia knows what she's doing is completely reckless. She's running into a situation without a strategy - something her father always told her not to do.

He also used to believe in justice. She snidely remarks as she steers into Lillian's street. She anxiously glances out the window in hopes of spotting the mysterious stalker, but the incessant clatter of raindrops on her car makes it near impossible to see anything. She jumps as a clash of lightning strikes - providing momentary light for the entire street.

No Lurker.

Lillian motioned for her to rush inside as she stood out on the covered porch. Her knitted cardigan was firmly clutched against her. Amelia takes a deep breath before bolting through the rain - but the raindrops fall at a rapid pace.

Lillian ushers her inside for shelter - and safety. She could not shake the thought that someone is still out there.

In fear of waking her parents, she quietly ushers Amelia into her bedroom and gently shuts the door. She leads her to the window.

"They were there, right under the willow tree." Her tone is hushed.

Amelia glances out the window as if she could see through the foreboding darkness. She'd only gotten a few glances with each bolt of lightning, but there is no presence outside. Not anymore.

She chews on her bottom lip as she contemplates what to do. She couldn't call her dad. He didn't listen the first time she'd confessed about her confrontations with The Lurker. And The Lurker might be someone on the inside.

Someone we thought we could trust. She notes with a shiver.

Lillian's phone receives a text and the duo simultaneously glance at each other. Each holding fear in their eyes. Amelia glances over her shoulder as she opens the text.

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