Chapter 4 - The Point of No Return

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Denton glanced at the time imprint in the corner of his retina. "What are you talking about? We've got five minutes to spare, at least."

Gabi shook her head. "I'm sorry, pal, you've got the time wrong."

"What are you talking about? Look, they're still talking about it," Denton said and pointed to a broadcast monitor on the wall. The commentators gestured silently as they discussed the impending race. A big, red countdown timer at the bottom of the screen showed four minutes and forty-five seconds and counting.

Gabi smirked and shook her head. "You don't know, do you?"

Denton looked at her, eyebrows raised. "Know what?"

"It's delayed. The whole race broadcast is delayed by five minutes."

"That can't be right."

"It is."

Denton slammed his palm against a pillar and muttered under his breath while he rubbed his forehead.

"There's got to be another way," he said. "Tanner?"

"Why are you asking me? I thought you were the expert on this thing."

"Ok, hold on just a second," Gabi said. "Another way for what? Why are you here anyway?"

"As I said, The Vanquisher has been compromised," Denton blurted out. "Didn't you hear me the first time?"

"What do you mean? Compromised? It's been checked and double-checked. It's fine."

"A malicious software patch was transmitted to it through a breach in your central server. It wouldn't require your review or approval. Here, look at this." He turned on the holo-display on the communicator in his hand. She picked it up and looked closer. Moments later, the color of her face turned a pale white.

"It's been programmed to divert to a different landing zone. At full speed," she said and looked up at Denton.

"We need to patch the patch."

"Once the doors are shut, it can only be done with a handheld device from just outside the pod. All external connections are disconnected."

"Bring the device and take me to the pod. Tanner is sending over the patch that will correct the coordinates. It'll forward to your hub profile immediately."

Gabi turned and started pushing her way through the crowd of celebrities and executives that had gathered in the foyer area of the depot to watch the launch. They left the noise of a hundred conversations behind as they slipped into the quiet office area. Empty corridors that Denton had no doubt would be bursting with activity on any other day. Today, it was all hands on deck. Even for the number crunchers. She disappeared through an office door with her name on it only to emerge moments later with a small, plastic case in her hand.

"That's it?" Denton said.

"Follow me. We have to hurry." Gabi turned and led the way through the empty hallways. Her rapid footsteps were dampened by her rubber-soled boots and the soft carpet. They emerged through an unmarked door in an alley next to to the main concourse of the hub. He recognized it as the area he had come through only minutes before.

Denton was about to ask where they were headed but Gabi was already moving deeper into the crowd. He struggled to keep up through the thick crowds and barely saw her disappear into another alley. He picked up the pace and caught up with her a few moments later.

"You don't get around much, do you?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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