Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

Krista and Rheia shared a frantic look as they once again struggled to hold the formation as the chariots rode past. The blades attached to the wheels screeched over their shields as they knelt behind them. They had to use all their strength just to remain upright. 

"We can't stay here!" The young girl from Ludus Dacicus cried in panic just before she broke through the line and fell into the path of the oncoming chariot. But she was not alone in her thinking and two other girls began to follow. 

"No!" Krista shouted over the rumble of the chariot wheels as they drew closer, stretching her arm out to stop the other two from leaving. They all looked out at the girl, waving and shouting at them to follow her. 

"She needs us!" One of the women shouted at Krista as she flung Krista's arm out of the way and began to storm past just as a lively roar echoed through the crowd. Turning back to look at the girl from Ludus Dacicus, she had her sword raised towards two horses which were stampeding towards her and Krista fleetingly thought how terrifying that must look, before the girl ducked and rolled to the side, out of the chariots path. 

Krista heard the girl beside her let out a breath of relief but it was short lived, just like the girl was because at that moment a Roman soldier on the back of the chariot threw his spear, and it landed in the girls back. The show of blood fed the crowd until they became one massive pulsating being, screaming for more death and torment.

They watched the girl's face cry out in pain, her eyes wide with shock. Stumbling forward a step, she reached out a hand towards them before her body went limp and she collapsed face-down in the sand. 

"Get back into formation," Krista growled as she gripped the woman by her shoulder straps and pushed her back behind the shields before the next chariot came roaring past. Knelt in the shade behind their shields the sounds of the arena became amplified, drumming against their ears and vibrating through their bodies. 

When nothing happened for a moment, Krista risked a glance above the shields. Squinting against the glare of the sun she turned to look around when she spotted a Roman soldier leaning over the side of a chariot and running his sword across the top of their defences, hoping to catch some unknowing lookout. Ducking back down behind her shield, Krista caught Rheia looking at her questioningly. 

"Ready?" Krista asked, looking around the circle of women and seeing their eyes looking back at her uneasily, "On my count."

Rheia looked suspicious that this was not going to work and, if Krista was honest with herself, then she would agree with Rheia. But they didn't have the room for failure and Krista didn't have the time to start doubting herself, not here. Peering through the gaps between shields, Krista saw the chariot approaching. It's gold paint reflected the sun. 

Krista started counting in her head, waiting for the chariot to align itself with their shields.The women grew restless as Krista allowed the chariot to draw closer. After what felt like an eternity, Krista screamed over the noise, "NOW!" And with one gigantic surge they attacked.

Wedging the bottom of their shields beneath the sand and under the chariots wheels, they earned themselves a leverage. The chariot halted suddenly, the horses neighing in protest at the sharp stop and the soldiers jolting back in surprise. Pushing down on their shields, Krista shouted as they began to lift the wheels from the ground. For a moment she thought that it wasn't going to work and that the chariot would come crashing down on top of them but the women held their positions and soon the chariot toppled over onto its side. 

As it did so, the blades fixed to the centre of the wheels grew too close and they were forced to leap out of the way before they were cut in half. The soldiers inside the chariot had now disembarked from their fallen wagon and started a fight with the women nearest to them. Krista saw that the men were outnumbered and they were soon killed.  Leaning down to pick up her shield, Krista looked and saw the other chariots begin to circle their new position, archers raising their bows to strike. 

Gladiator of Rome (#1 in Gladiator Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon