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                   It was time for bed after the long day. I felt extremely awkward though, being because I was currently sitting at the egde of Levi's bed in only a huge shirt and much underwear. We didn't think ahead when he planned this surprise trip to his house. Maybe my mind was clouded at the thoughts of finding my father and I let it distract me front priorities.

My hands were crunched in fists holding my shirt down so it doesn't ride up. I don't know what I was waiting for, I was just sitting there at the egde of his bed looking like a flushed fool. Maybe I'll wait for him to come back before I get in.

No that'll make me even more embarrassed. I sigh, pulling the sheets over my body. I move over into farest end of the bed form the door. With my eyes wide open I watch the grey wall.

A few minutes pass untill the door creeks open. I screw my eyes shut and try to even out my breathing." Love? Oh she's asleep." I feel the bed dip as he gets on.

Thankfully he stays his distance. I start relax falling asleep. Just feel him moving closer and before I knew it his hand was wrapped around my waist pulling me  to him.

I decided to pretend I was sleeping." You know Hadley, you really are special. I know you think you like Ace but I can tell we were made for each other. Even if we are so different I promise to protect you." Luckily it's dark because I can tell my face is beet red.

"I promise to marry you. When your ready. You probably thought I was joking when I said it. I wasn't. I wish I could say this to your face it's just that you make me so nervous. But I promise make you realize, make sure you know I'm serious. I love you Hadley."

* * *

Levi was acting like my backbone. He was supporting me. Even with just his hand, he could make me feel calm. As if I've knew him for a long time, like he's been watching over me. Like a guardian angel.

And all this time I never came to realize what such a great person he was.

As we dug deeper in to the research we found out that the man named Dylan Hughes, nobody knows what he looks like besides his private staff. But apparently he's working in a office building right now in downtown.

Levi gazes down at me as he held my hand." Its going to be hard to get in, but I think I can pull some to strings. But you have to promise to not to get jealous."

My forhead creases in confusion." What? Why would get jealous?"

He scratches the back of his neck nervously." My tactics, is not in your favor." What is he even talking about?

"Okay." I shrug, it couldn't be that bad. I take a deep breath before exiting the car and letting go of his hand.

This is it, I'm going to see my dad. Honestly when I see him im not sure how I'll react. Will I be mad that be left me for all these years or will be happy that I got see him.

Well I shouldn't get my hopes up, it might not be him. And that's not even the worst scenario.

As we approach the office building I take a deep breath as I glance at Levi." You ready love?" He asked me one last time.

"As ever." With that we walk into the building. The inside matches the outside, it looked crisp well painted and professional. What is my father doing here? What would he gain taking on a different identity.

We walk up to the receptionist she looked in like she was 30. She greeted us with a amile." Hi I'm Linda, what can I do for you?"

Biting my lip I say," Were here to see Dylan Hughes."

She face crunches up in confusion." Its near to impossible to get an appointment with Mr.Hughes, he's a busy man. Do you have one?"

Levi smirks and leans his elbows on the counter." Linda right?" He winks." I'm sure a beautiful women like you could pull some strings and let us just see him."

Her face flushed red and her words style out her mouth."Oh I don't know-"

"Come on doll, a gorgeous lady like you could do  guy a solid. What'd you think?"

By this time I looked away, a ping in my chest started as soon as Levi started flirting with her. Why do I always feel this way when I'm not the one he's talking to.

Wait am I jealous? No that's ridiculous, I don't have any reason to be jealous. I don't even like him like that." Wait here one second, I'll send you up."

I snap my head back when she says that. I look at Levi who was grinning at me." My charms work see?" He say.

I frown and cross my arms." Yeah they work, a bit to well." I mumble the last part

Levi's eyes widen then his lips curl up Into a smile. He leans down untill his lips are brushing my ear. He whispers huskily in my ear making shiver." Didn't I tell you not to get jealous?"

"I-I I'm not jealous." I stutter.

He bites his lip holding back a laugh." Your blush says it all. But trust me love your the only one for me."

I try to laugh it off and wait for the lady to come back. Levi puts a hand on the small of my back. When the lady comes back she eyes the pair of us before sending us to an elevator and telling us to go to the 5 floor.

" This is it." I smile.

Levi see me at the corner of his eye gazing down at me admiration. A small blush flooded my face, if I look at him any longer I might burst.

"Just wait Hadley, don't get you hopes up. If the worst happens don't freak out okay?" He says softly.

I frown and shake my head." That won't happen. I'm sure of it." I disagree.

Levi sighs and nods." Okay Hadd. 5th floor you ready?" I look up to see that we reached our destination.

The door opens and we both step out. The office looks like any professional office. I glanced over to a desk to a man facing the window." Love, that's Dylan Hughes."

My pulse quickens, swallowing the lump in my chest in walk up to the desk tapping on the desk. With all my courage I call him." Dad?"

The man turns around revealing his face." How can I help you?" The man says.

My eyes brim with tears. It wasn't him.

He's probably is just dead.


I was going to extend the chapter but I wanted to save all the Acy-ness for the next chapter

; )

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