Chapter 17 - Rescue

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"Suddenly I grasped what was happening - they were all trying to save me.
I never thought I was worth saving." - Albert Borris, Crash Into Me

Itachi hid himself in a tree's leaves, trying to focus his vision towards the Sound Village. His head was pounding so hard that he thought he may pass out. He put his hand on his forehead.

"Come on, not now." he said under his breath.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to see better but forcing his ocular muscles made his eyes burn.

"Arghhh." he was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down. "I have to do this. I can't let her..." another pain shot throgh his head, making him sqeeze his eyes shut. "Just for this fight... Then I can rest for eternity if she's safe." he mumbled to himself. It's been so long since he knew her, yet he still couldn't understand why he cared so much or what was that thump in his heart whenever he was worried for her.

His vision adjusted and he observed that the main gate had many guards. Too many. It's like they were expecting rescuers. There were five on the wall and three down in front of the gates. They were all in alert.

Itachi felt a chakra behind him. It was dark and familiar. The blond boy stopped on the branch next to him, looking towards the gates as well. They both wore stern faces.

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"Why are you here, dattebayo? Why would you want to help Sakura-chan?" the blond asked him calmly, his face not betraying any emotion. Itachi's gaze shifted back to the gates. What could he say? He didn't know why he was doing this either.

"I see you don't talk much. I appreciate your help, unlike the others." Naruto said folding his arms to his chest. "But we gotta make a good plan to get in and I'm not the brightest when it comes to this."


Sakura dressed in that beautiful dress that Suigetsu brought her. She analyzed herself from head to toes in the fancy mirror. She giggled.

Karin was watching her smiling. It was unbeliveable that she could giggle after everything and she admired the pinkette for this, for her strenght. The red haired woman thought about how could Sasuke be so cruel to such a fragile creature who made everyone like her.

A sudden explosion shook the entire building, making Sakura stumble. She turned scared towards Karin but she was as shocked as the pinkette.

The door was slammed open and Suigetsu and Juugo ran inside, panicked. They were panting heavily. Suigetsu rested his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"It's the Jinchuuriki. He found us. He came for her." he told Karin, his eyes looking up through his bangs. The red haired woman pressed her lips in a thin line, thinking intensively. Sakura's eyes widened in shock.

"Naruto..." she whispered, looking nowhere in particular.

"We have to take her from here." Juugo spoke calmly. The pinkette's gaze shot towards him.

"Where's Sasuke?" Karin asked, trying to keep her calm.

"Already downstairs, I assume. He is the only one who can face him."

Karin turned to Sakura with pity in her eyes. She saw her scared and shocked expression. The punkette's body started to tremble uncontrollably at the realization. He was here, to save her. After she betrayed him. He risks his life for her when she doesn't deserve it. She gulped, her eyes becoming teary.

"Come on, now! Hurry!" Suigetsu pushed Karin's shoulder lightly.

"No!" she said gaining everyone's attention.

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