Chapter Nine

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Content Warning: Strong language

The wait was almost too much.

As soon as the show ended, Dom, Jeremy, and the rest hurried through the crowd and hunted for the usher who had shown them to their seats.

"I'm afraid Lenore won't be available for a while yet," she told them. Her voice was sympathetic but her answer was infuriating. "She's one of the performers, you see. They don't take any guests until after the rest of the audience has left and they've had a chance to freshen up. I'm sure you understand."

Jeremy elbowed his way in between Dom and the usher.

"What about the dancers from the Moon and Ocean act?" he asked, sounding breathless. "They're the ones we're actually looking for."

Dom couldn't suppress his groan as he watched the usher's expression fall. Just like the boy at the ticket wicket, she took a moment to think before answering.

"You'll still need to talk to Lenore first," she said at last. "How about you just wait in the stands? Someone will come find you when she's ready."

Before anyone could argue to the contrary, the usher turned and disappeared into the slow exodus of patrons making their way out of the tent. The chatter in the air was still excited as people rehashed their favourite moments from the show - eyes alight with the magic they felt they had witnessed - but for Dom and the others excitement had given way to anxious tension.

They did as the usher suggested and returned to the stands to wait. Dom made a point of sitting off on his own, hoping to avoid Jeremy and his questions. But Jeremy kept to himself as well, pacing along a row of seats with a furrowed expression while his friends whispered to each other in low, hurried voices.

"Who the fuck is this Lenore person and why do we have to go through her anyway?" Jeremy growled, throwing his hands up after what must have been more than an hour of waiting. The tent seemed quiet now and it was hard not to feel as though they had been forgotten. "We're wasting-"

"I'm the leader of this outfit," boomed a voice from the entryway through which they had come. "And no one gets to my performers without going through me first."

Lenore - a woman who appeared to be in her mid-fifties with close cropped greying hair - strode toward them with an unmistakable air of authority. She paused a handful of paces away from the group and scrutinized each of them one by one.

"Now what's this I hear about you asking after my girls?" she barked. At this distance, Dom noticed her reptilian-esque eyes and the bony protrusions that jutted out from the peaks of her cheekbones and crown of her forehead. He recognized her from the show as the performer who had danced with fire, and he made a mental note that anyone who could make flames look like well-trained animals was not one to be tested.

"Ma'am, my name is Dominic," he began, stepping up and turning on what had often been described as his most disarmingly charming smile. "The performers we're looking for are friends and former colleagues of mine. We were really hoping to see them."

With a harsh laugh, Lenore shook her head. "I don't think so, buddy."

Dom pushed onward, careful not to let Jeremy sneak a word in edgewise.

"Please, we've come a really long way." He hesitated. He didn't want to lie for fear of being found out, but... "They sent me an invitation to watch them perform."

Lenore still wasn't buying it.

"They didn't say anything to me about it, which means you're probably full of shit."

Exasperating as it was, Dom was grateful for Lenore's steadfast gatekeeping; at least it wouldn't have been easy for anyone of ill-intent to get close to the girls.

The others didn't see it the same way. In a flurry of voices they came at Lenore as one, talking and shouting over one another with questions and demands. Lenore opened her mouth and Dom knew at once they had blown it - she was going to toss them out - when a new voice cut through the noise.

"Dom? Is that you?"

The chatter ceased. In unison, every head turned to the closest entrance, where a pair of faces peeked back at them. One belonged to the boy from the wicket. The other was that of a rosy-haired woman with dark blue eyes and constellations of freckles splashed across her face. An elated smile lit up her features.

"Maybe!" Dom cried, opening his arms to catch her as she tore out into the open and lept up to greet him. "Look at you - your hair's gotten so long!"

Scrubbed free of her stage make-up, May Alana was positively glowing. Dom marvelled at what time on the road had done to her: not only had her soft waves grown long and wild, tumbling over her shoulders, but even under loose studio clothes he could tell how much stronger she was. He could feel the firm muscles that wound up her arms and down her back as he crushed her into his embrace. Her skin had lost its sun-kissed island radiance but she still looked happy and healthy.

"I can't believe you're here!" May squeaked, taking a step back to see him better but keeping her fists clutched at his shirt sleeves. "When Bertram said people were here to see us I wasn't expecting it to be you!"

Over May's shoulder, Dom watched Lenore throw a stern look at the wicket boy - presumably Bertram - who went scarlet and ducked out of view.

"Is everything okay, Ginger?" Lenore sounded wary. "Do you know them?"

As if in reply, May pulled Dom into another tight hug. She tilted her face until her mouth met his ear.

"Who are these people?" she whispered as quietly as she could.

"I'll explain later," Dom murmured back to her. "Who's Ginger?"

"I am. Just roll with it."

Pulling back, May beamed. "Yeah, they're friends. Everything's okay, Lenore. Thanks for looking out for us though."

At this Leore actually smiled, relaxing her stance ever so slightly.

"Of course. You know me: family first. Sorry for being hard on you, folks - you can never be too careful in this business. Ginger, honey, will you tell Rosemary to stop leaving her costumes on the dressing room floor? Fool girl doesn't seem to want to listen to me and I'm about ready to kick her ass."

May laughed. "Sure thing, Dragon Mama. We'll go find her right now."

She took Dom by the hand and lead him to the exit, motioning for the others to follow. When he was sure Lenore was well out of earshot, Dom ducked his head and whispered.

"Is this Rosemary who I think she is?"

A grin cut across May's face as she winked.

"You'll have to wait and see."


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