Chapter Thirty Four

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I had to include at least one prom picture ;) I'm the one with the sparkly top and beige train :) Peep my broken foot 😂

Chapter Thirty Four

As I wake up, I feel cold and as though I'm missing a sense of comfort. I slowly stretch out to relieve my body of my sleepiness, and when I don't feel myself touching another body I realize what I'm missing.


I open my eyes and look around for him just to see his part of the bed completely vacant. I frown and start to sit up as I glance around his room. I don't see him anywhere so I get up and start down the hall towards the steps, but my phone going off distracts me and I don't make it out of the doorway.

Glancing down at the caller ID, I see that it's my mom and with a heavy sigh and a few moments of debate, I answer.

"Hey mom," I say, my voice sounding rough and dry to my own ears.

" need to come home," she says.

I sigh and walk back towards Hayden's room to change back into my clothes. There's no point in arguing with her, it will only make matters worse. "Okay."

"You scared your father and I, Reagan. You can't just disappear like that."

I roll my eyes, "I texted you."

"I know sweetheart, just...come home please."

"Yeah, bye." I mutter, hanging up.

"That didn't sound so pleasant."

I whip around at the sound of Hayden's deep voice, rumbling through his chest before reaching my ears. My eyes widen at the sight before me; he's standing there with nothing but his pajama pants on- hanging very loosely around his waist might I add- with breakfast situated on a tray held gently in his hands, covering only part of his bare torso. 

I gulp and set my phone down on the bed as I sit back. "Good morning," I cough out.

He watches me carefully, his eyes gently scanning my face before he walks into the room and sits on the bed next to me, the muscles in his back relaxing as he sets the tray on his lap.

"I didn't think you'd be up so early," he says with a light smirk.

I chuckle, "Why is that?"

"You just don't pin me as a morning type of person."

"I'm really not."

"Not surprised."

"You made me breakfast?" I ask, glancing down at the arrangement of eggs and bacon laid out across the plate.

He raises a brow, "This is for me, Cupcake."

My face flushes and I look away as my shoulders sag, "Oh."

He chuckles and slides the tray onto my lap, "I'm kidding, I figured you'd be hungry after everything last night."

I smile at him and grab a piece of bacon, "Thank you."

"No problem, Cupcake." 

Chills go down my spine at my old nickname, and I cover up a shiver. 

He stays quiet for a few minutes, snagging a piece of bacon and slowly munching on it. Then he glances at me with worried eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I swallow my bite of eggs and slowly lower the fork, keeping my eyes down on the food instead of on him. Because, number one, he's shirtless and every muscle on his body is like a magnet for my eyes, and number two, I don't want him to see my eyes since I'm really not okay.

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