Chapter 58: Irene Rose

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   My mother was someone who would speak her mind if it meant protecting the ones she loved. Right now was the perfect example. She held confidence as if she was born a Luna, Archer's gaze and everyone else's stares were directed to my family, who, besides my mother and father, looked around cautiously. My breath hitched in my throat as I saw Archer's family looking towards my family, obviously not liking the disrespect my mother was giving to Archer who was trying hard not snap. His grip on my shoulder was almost painful as his elongated nails turned into small claws. I bit my lip, trying not to gasp in pain. 

   The air was thick with tension, if it tension was a real thing, I could cut it with a sharp knife. I stared at my mother who sat up straight, looking Archer in the eye as an act of defiance. She could've been seriously hurt if Archer was not my mate, he was holding on to the last string of restraint that he had, me. He hurts my family, I will never speak to him again, even if my mother put herself into this situation. My father was gripping onto my mother's hand, his eyes glazing over, communicating through the mind-link, probably discussing their next move.

    "What I did to her was a mistake, it was never my intention to do something like that. But, I have owned up to my mistake and taken the beating. Irene has accepted me as her mate and I am thankful that she has done so. I know I do not deserve it, but she gave me second chance. If only you'd see that your daughter is happy, yes, she may be stressed, but she has accepted it and is pushing through it like amazing person she is," Archer spoke with full confidence, a little bit of his Alpha tone lacing through there.

    "I understand that Alpha Archer, but considering you are her mate, she has no choice. You took her away from us, her family. I haven't heard from her since you took her, we've been worried sick, not one call from you or another family member. You forcefully marked her. You made her run away. You made her feel this way. You made her cry. You made our baby girl hurt. I cannot even fathom what other things you have done to her," my mother said, her lip quivering slightly as her emotions ran through her, leaking out of her pores and into the air.

    "I have been rough at the start, but I promise I am treating her like the Queen she is. I did not tell her that she could not call you. Calling you was her choice. She wasn't allowed to leave my pack for her safety. I am sorry for all the worry I've caused your family. I know I probably don't deserve your daughter in your eyes and I know I don't deserve her, but I'm trying to become the mate she deserves. I am not perfect as all wolves are. But, I am trying my best. I did invite you here to meet her. And, I wasn't supposed to announce this. But, we will be staying in your pack for one week of our vacation, I owe you and her that much," he announced to everyone, I smiled knowing that the surprise he was planning was to go to my old pack, it was a shame it wasn't a surprise anymore.

   I couldn't be happier to return to my old pack, Archer was surely stepping up his game. I can't believe he was planning it.

  My mother sat agape, her eyes widening in disbelief at his words. Probably because I could've called, but I didn't. I was so busy with Archer's pack, that I didn't have time to talk with them. I was ashamed I had let my actions lead to my family becoming hurt. I couldn't bear to talk to them after all Archer and I have done to them. Even though I missed them terribly. I might've missed them more if I had talked to them. I wasn't allowed to leave the pack. I had Luna duties and I just couldn't get rid of my siblings being almost choked to death by my mate.

   "Is it true Irene? You could've talked to us?" my mother whimpered, her ashamed and disappointed stare went onto me, tears threatening to leave her once strong eyes.

    "Yes, but you must understand, how could I face you after how my actions led to one my siblings almost die? How could I just call you and ask if you're alright when I know you were not? I've tried calling you once, it went straight to voice mail. The guilt of my siblings almost dying lays on my shoulders, I couldn't face you when I knew I was the cause of that. Most of my days are filled with training, both Luna and physical training. When I spare time, I slept and tried to regain focus. Of course, I missed you. All of you. I just, well- couldn't bring myself to it," I sniffed out, feeling all of the emotions pour through me like a wave. 

The Blind Alpha | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें