Chapter 22

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Katarina opened her eyes to darkness. She wasn't sure where she was, but she was comfortable and it was pleasantly warm. When she turned her head, she saw Milo sitting in a chair, sleeping. Her throat was parched and sore, as if she had been talking non-stop for hours.

"Milo..." The word croaked out of her and hurt her throat. She decided not to do that again. But he was right there, beside her and asleep; he needed to know things.

Katarina reached out her hand and found that it at least felt normal. She brushed her fingertips against his exposed cheek, as he sat with his head on his hand.

There was a moment of movement, where he tilted his head into the touch and then went back to sleep.

Katarina smiled and did it again, this time putting a little more pressure into the touch. "Milo." She tried to whisper, but it hurt just as much as talking did.

Milo's eyelids fluttered a little, but he looked reluctant to wake.

"Alpha." She tried again, hoping the word would make him think of duties he had no choice but to pay attention to.

Katarina watched with a fond smile as he woke reluctantly, rubbing the heel of his hand into his eye.

"What is it, Leo?" He grumbled, refusing to open his eyes.

Katarina was beginning to realise that she wasn't going to get him awake by being nice. So she decided to be blunt. She curled her hand into a fist and shoved his hand out from under his head.

It worked. Milo opened his eyes and blinked with a frown.

She saw the curse on his lips, but when he saw her, it died there, unspoken.

"Katie," He smiled, suddenly wide awake.

She would have laughed if she wasn't sure it would hurt.

Milo rushed forward and brushed back the hair that had fallen over her eyes while she was unconscious. "Your dad said you would be weak. He brought a shake and I've made more, just in case." He promised, getting to his feet and trying to be gentle as he held the back of her head in one hand and used his other arm, around her waist, to help her sit up. He made sure she was comfortable before sitting on the bed beside her legs and handing her the shake.

"Your dad is down the hall in the guest room. I'm afraid you missed dinner; it's quite late."


As he spoke, Milo glanced at the clock and sighed. It was later than he thought. It was half past nine already, but at least she was awake.

He didn't care what time it was as long as she was awake. He gave her a moment to drink her shake in peace, her eyes watching him thoughtfully as he looked for any sign of pain or discomfort. As far as he could see, she looked healthy enough, if a little pale. And she was wincing a little as she drank.

With a sudden inspiration, he got up and fetched a notepad and pen from the side of the room, before handing it to her. "If it hurts to talk, use this. I need to know if you're in pain or if you need to see the doctor."

Katarina smiled at his concern. She looked down at the notepad and suppressed the instinct to giggle. I don't need a notebook, Milo. And I'm okay. My throat is just sore. She thought to herself and sent the thought to him.

He smiled at the contact. I've missed that. You were... He stalled and forced a less genuine smile. I couldn't sense you at all. I was really scared.

I know. I wasn't sure you would listen to me this way, or if you would just think you were dreaming. Katarina smiled as she sipped her drink.

The Alpha and the Oracle (The Belesone Pack #1)Where stories live. Discover now