Chapter 7

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Gabriel, a high-ranking angel in the cour of God, to him is given messages of the highest importance concerning the heavenly father's will. That's the story I know. Why the current standoff between the Devil and Archangel, I have no idea. Peeking out from behind his shoulder, Gabriel's pretty brown eyes that are rimmed with gold spot mine whilst the Devil glares at him. Leaning to the side to see me, he gives a big, toothy smile as he waves at me to which the Devil responds by pushing me further behind him.

"Oh, come one Dominic," He groans childishly, stomping is white oxford shoes on the ground. "You're just being silly! I'm not going to take her from you nor am I going to eat her if anything you're the one she should be shying away from."

"State your business here you annoying angel," He grumbles, his body tensing further. "You come to Hell every Tuesday just to annoy the living crap out of me. It's Friday. You shouldn't even be here."

"Is that anything to say to your closest friend from Heaven?" Gabriel chides him, wagging his finger at the Devil. "I am so offended that you think I enjoy coming down to your realm of fire when you can just come and visit me in Heaven but no, you rather I make the trip down here cause you don't think of me enough to visit me."

"First of all, I don't even think of you," He starts, his figure relaxing slightly. "Secondly, I don't ask you to visit me. You just do because you think I'm quote-unquote 'lonely'."

For a second, Gabriel is silent as he observes the Devil. Then he starts bawling running toward the Devil with his arms open and, as expected of him, he steps aside at the last moment resulting in Gabriel running face-first into one of the four the bedposts of our bed.

"Do that again and I'll make sure to remove your wings," He grumbles, letting me out from behind him. "Gabriel, this is Victoria. Victoria, this is my annoying friend from Heaven. Call him what you deem fit. I recommend 'annoying asshole'."

"What a mean thing to say about a friend," I chide him out of habit as Danny says things like that about his friends as well but I instantly apologise when I realise what I've said. "Sorry, my brother used to say that about the people he's been friends with for years. It's habitual."

"No don't apologise to him," Gabriel chuckles, brushing himself off. "That just bloats his ego. I grew up with this man so I know him quite well. If you want to know any embarrassing things that he's done in his youth, I'm your guy, Ms Heavenly."

Sighing heavily, the Devil holds his hand out to his friend as though waiting for him to pass him something. I am confused for a second before Gabriel produces a letter from the inside of his suit jacket with a gleam in his eyes.

"From Father is it?" He asks, opening the letter without waiting for a reply. "Does all of Heaven know I've found her."

"Most," Gabriel responds, grinning from ear to ear. "She is beautiful. Did you tell her of her origins yet?"

Huh? Tilting my head back to look at the Devil in inquiry, the man glares at Gabriel with such intensity that I feel his irritation leaking out from every pore of his body though I am doubtful he has pores. 

"No, I haven't," He growls lowly at his friend, making the grin on Gabriel's face fade. "But thanks to you, that explanation will now be expedited. I was planning to tell her once she's settled in. She just arrived today."

My confusion only increases as I watch the interaction between them. The only thing I can deduce from the guilty look on Gabriel's face and the anger on the Devil's is that whatever my 'origins' are which I seriously doubt I want to know since I took elective Biology.

"If both of you would stop speaking over me, I want to know what this interaction is about," I demand forcefully, looking pointedly at the Devil. "Tell me."

"Gabriel," The Devil grits out, motioning for him to speak. "You tell her. I have to respond to this letter. Victoria, if you need me, I will be in the library."

With that, he effectively escapes from the room without a backward glance, clearly fuming mad at his friend. A sigh from Gabriel turns my attention form the closed door to him, with his hand on my shoulder, he guides me towards the bed where he sits me down at the foot of.

"I sincerely apologise for this, Victoria," He begins, looking truly upset. "I had no idea you just met him today. I just assumed...Anyway, your origins. You aren't a creature of God's creation. What you are nobody knows. Your powers, your abilities that may or may not have already developed are unknown. I'm sure you read the papers, Dominic gave you. That prophecy on the stone. 'There will come a day when the fallen will find someone to calm the fire that rages in his heart. Where he is ruthless and evil, she will be the embodiment of his opposite. The Queen of Hell. His perfect half. His mate.' It appeared the day Dominic descended from Heaven. How or why no one in Heaven, even the Almighty Father himself, does not know."

For some reason, I don't feel shocked when Gabriel tells me this. It's funny since I should be but then again I didn't feel scared when the Devil kidnapped me so I guess at this point its expected that I'm not flustered by the odd events of the last two days. I do, however, feel angry. That man should be the one telling me this, I think irritatedly. 

"There are people in your world and ours that prefer you not exist at all," Gabriel continues, mistaking my silence for understanding. "Who in our world is unknown but in your world. There is an organisation that calls themselves The Covenant. They are a group of individuals who believe they are God chosen to maintain peace on Earth. The things they have done are despicable. Magical creatures that roamed the Earth before humans did, the faes, merpeople and people of magic decent have all gone into hiding because of The Covenant hunting them down."

"The world you lived in wasn't supposed to be so. Earth was roamed by magical creatures and normal people alike but Man felt that anything that was like itself were not creations of God. The first-ever war broke out, it was between the magical and the not. God sent us, his angels, down to Earth to break them up otherwise they would have all been extinct. The carnage was bad, I remember it well. Since then, other kinds of creatures aside from humans kept the memory of how the world once was. Then a week later, Hell was created."

The rest of what he says I can figure out. This organisation found out about the existence of other creatures despite all of mankind not remembering and they decided to eradicate them one by one just as the original humans hand done in the First War. 

And now, I'm their top priority because I am not Man nor fae nor magical.

I am unknown.

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