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Rose 🌹   

I pulled on Garrett's hand as he lead me into the classroom. 

He paused and raised an eyebrow "Is something wrong?" 

I glared at him "What the hell was that all about? You guys were like 5 seconds away from throwing blows" 

He ran a hand through his hair "I don't want to talk about it"  

"Fine" I sat in my seat and started pulling out my materials for class 

He sighed and sat beside me "Ro..." 

I held up a hand "If you don't want to tell me, than fine. Don't tell me. But next time you two decide to have a testosterone filled argument, leave me out of it" 

"I'm sorry Ro" he nudged my shoulder "I didn't mean to drag you into our problems but lately...Grey and I aren't seeing eye-to-eye" 

I snorted "No really? I never would have guessed" 

He poked my side "Don't give me sass women" 

I giggled  "What are you fighting about now? Did he touch your books again?" 

"No" Garrett laughed "He doesn't even step foot in a library, what makes you think he'll touch my books? Actually, I think he's allergic to anything that has to deal with learning" 

"Than why are you two fighting?" 

His lips thinned and right then and there, I knew he wasn't going to say anything further. 

I sighed "Okay, Okay. I'll stop prying now. Just... Don't kept whatever's bothering you bottled up. I'm always here to listen, you know" 

His eyes softened and he kissed my cheek "I know Ro, but something tells me, you won't be able to help me with this situation" 

"You don't know that" 

"I do actually" he quickly changed the subject "You want to meet at our spot today?" 

I sighed "Sure, but it has to be after 4. Remember, I'm meeting with the principal about tutoring a failing student" 

"Okay, how about we meet at 4:30?" 

"Sure" I grinned "I'll probably need a milkshake after the meeting" 

He grinned too "Princesa, you'll probably need about 5. I don't know how you can tutor idiots"

 "Not everyone's an idiot. They just have a different way of learning than we do"  I shrugged "Plus, it looks good on College applications" 

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