61: Just Kiss Me

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Emilia and I walk back into the living room where everyone is in deep conversation.  Kelley and Vince are cozy in their own little love seat, Ryan is talking football with his dad and Ian and Carly are still talking to one another.  I watch her laugh at a joke Ian cracks and it just makes me wanna slap her.  But I don't do anything. 

I make eye contact with Adam who's sitting in a single recliner.  He gives me a look of concern as he raises an eyebrow up.  I just shrug at him and make my way over to the couch and sit in between Emilia and John. 

"Mom, Kelley and I are gonna be leaving pretty soon."  Vince says, speaking over all of the discussions that's going on in the room. 

Emilia smiles and gets up as she walks over to them.  "Okay, honey.  John and I will walk you two out." 

"John."  She calls to grab his attention.  The dad looks up at his wife and gets up on her command.  The four of them leave the living room as they all head to the front door. 

As if on cue, Ryan yawns as he gets up from the chair he was sitting on.  "Yeah, it's getting late.  Imma bout to hit the road.  I've got an exam tomorrow." 

"Alright.  Night bro, good luck on that test."  Ian says, getting up and hugging his brother. 

"See you, Ryan."  Adam chimes in as he gives him a hug as well. 

"Bye, Adam."  He says as they finish their hug and he walks out of the room. 

Now it's only Ian, Carly, Adam and I left in this room.  The tension was so strong, you could practically see it.  The awkwardness was unbearable.  For the first time tonight, Ian and Carly were actually quiet. 

"So um...are you two ready to leave?"  Ian asks, having the audacity to look at me then at Carly. 

"Yeah.  I'm pretty tired."  Carly responds, which leads Ian to glance back over at me once he's gotten her reply. 

I shrug.  "Would you mind if Adam took me home?" 

Ian furrows his eyebrows together as he looks over at his brother who just simply nods his head. 

"Okay."  He finally answers with a shrug.  "I guess Carly and I will be leaving about now." 

"Alright."  I mumble. 

Carly gives me a smile, but I don't return it as I watch them leave the living room together. 

Once they were gone, I glance over at Adam who just had this perplexed expression on his face. 

"Why do you wanna leave with me?"  He asks. 

"I just didn't want to ride with them."  I answer, shaking my head.  "If that's okay.  Sorry if I put you on the spot like that." 

"It's fine.  I wouldn't mind taking you home anyways."  He says with a small smile. 

But something inside me doesn't want to go home.  I think I need space from Carly tonight.  I just can't be around her until I've got all my thoughts collected. 

"About that..." I trail off, biting my lip.  "Do you mind if I stay at your place for the night?" 

Adam thinks about this for a moment.  Probably wondering what would possess me to want to crash at his place.  The way he looked when he was thinking didn't look promising.  He has this firm expression on his face as his dark eyebrows are furrowed.  But eventually, he nods his head. 

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