More surprises&pillow fights

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Evie was sad, and Ben was angry. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Ben growled, and charged at it. The door opens, and he fell. Evie helped him up, and they don't see Mal anywhere. "Where's Mal?" Evie asks. Jay points to the bathroom. Mal walks out sniffling. She sits next to Carlos, unaware of Ben and Evie's presence. Mal leans her head on Carlos's shoulder. 

Carlos asks her, "Mal, did you tell Ben yet?" Mal shook her head. "I can't Carlos. It's too tragic. Ben will hate me even more if I tell him." Ben stepped out in front of her. "Mal, I don't hate you. What do you need to tell me that you haven't already?" Mal sniffled, looked at Carlos, then at Jay. The two boys nodded. 

"Ben, since the cotillion, I was sick all the time on and off, you remember that. When I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, the doctor told me and Jay, that I was, was, pregnant. But, since due to my magic disease, that is getting treated, I lost it. As soon as I got back I wanted to tell you and Evie, but, I thought you didn't want to know since you didn't care about me anymore." "MAL! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? YOU WERE STUPID TO NOT TELL ANYONE! HOW STUPID ARE YOU?!!!" Ben yelled at her. Mal was shocked. She'd never been yelled at by people she loved, or anybody in Auradon she didn't know.

Ben continued to yell for 5 minutes, and Mal couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and ran out of the room crying again. "Thank you so much Ben! Helping people since NEVER!!!!!!!" Jay yelled. Carlos and Jay followed Mal all the way to a roof. Carlos paled. He never liked heights, even on the Isle, so he never climbed tall buildings, unlike Mal and Jay. Jay went up by himself, and he saw Mal 10 feet away. 

Her eyes were shut, and tears were streaming down her face. Jay sat down next to her, and Mal looked at him. "Jay. I can't do this." Mal said shuttering. "If it makes you feel any better, you can sleep in my room tonight." Jay said. Mal opens her eyes slowly. "Really Jay?" "Yes Mal. I mean it." "Jay, did you know about Ben and Evie?" "I can't say that I have. I loved Evie, and I thought she loved me back." Mal hugged Jay, and after she let go, they climbed back into Auradon Prep. 

Mal walked with them silently back to her room, as she grabbed some stuff. They went to Jay's room, and got settled in for the night. While Mal was sleeping that night, there was some noises. Mal sat up, confused. It sounded like someone moving around. Then came more noises, sounding  like squeaking. Then growling. Mal looked at Jay and Carlos's beds, and saw they were both asleep.

Mal's eye widdened, and suddenly, something grabbed her shoulders. She screamed and jumped up. Laughter sounded. The lights turned on, and Jay was the one that had grabbed Mal's shoulders. Carlos's emotions relaxed. Jay laughed harder. Carlos tossed Mal a pillow, and took one himself. Jay's eye widdened as he saw what they were going to do. "You wouldn't dare." "Wouldn't we?" Mal said. 

Carlos and Mal screamed and ran at Jay. Jay screamed in fright, as Mal and Carlos started hitting him with pillows. Jay grabbed a pillow and started hitting them back. At one point, Jay's pillow ripped, and it broke. He grabbed Mal's waist and lifted her above his head. Mal shrieked and Carlos continued hitting Jay. Carlos tackled Jay, and Mal and Jay both fell over onto Mal's air matress. Mal hopped up, and started jumping on Jay. 

Jay grabbed Mal's foot and she fell down. Mal and Jay started fake fighting. Carlos just watched and laughed his guts out. Carlos rolled on the floor. Mal started hitting Jay with a pillow, and Jay hit Mal back with a new pillow. Carlos picked up his pillow and started hitting both of them. 

Everyone heard them, and came running to their room from all the yelling and screaming. Ben burst open the door, and saw their whole pilllow fight and fake fight. Jay somehow found some popped popcorn, and started throwing it at Mal and Carlos. Mal shrieked and threw her pillow at Jay. It hit him and he dropped the popcorn. He threw his pillow at Mal, and she ducked. It ended up, hitting, Evie. Evie shrieked from next to Ben at the doorway. Mal, Jay, and Carlos looked at each other, and turned to the doorway. Ben frowned at them. Mal looked back, and Ben said, "What's going on here?" 

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mal, Carlos, and Jay echoed all at once. Jay and Carlos's room was a mess. All the pillows were on the floor, popcorn was everywhere, including Mal's hair, everything was on the floor, and one of the pillows plus feathers were all over. "Just having a late night party huh?" Ben asked. "I guess you could call it that." Carlos said.

 "You 3 have detention now. For 1 month. How do you like that." Mal grinned at Jay and Carlos. The 3 of them all had pillows in their hands. They threw them at Ben and Evie. All 3 of them hit Ben. His crown fell off, and Ben glared. The 3 of them cracked up. "More detention. Now, for a total of 6 months." Ben yelled. Mal shrugged. Ben stormed off with Evie on his heels. Everyone left, and Mal, Jay, and Carlos, looked at each other, and laughed. 

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