Chapter Five: I'll Help You if You Help Me

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For the first time since Clarke had taken over the company I wasn't dreading going into work. I was just hoping what Clarke said to me on Monday was real. If he really was just scared and he just needed help, and I'll admit I had been pulling back as far as helping him because of his attitude, but maybe we were just as bad as each other. As much as I used to think I wasn't in the wrong, maybe I was a bit. We both had to work together at the end of the day.

I was greeted by a smiling Tina at the front desk on the Friday morning and I was surprised but just smiled back and continuing walking to my office. At first I noticed nothing different as I put my bag down and my coat away as I normally did when I got there, so when I heard of voice over the intercom of my phone I jumped.

"Rory, could you come into my office, please?"

I completely jumped in surprise, turning around immediately to look into Clarke's office. Sure enough, there was, sitting on his chair, looking out at me. I couldn't believe my eyes, so much so that I checked my watch to make sure I was on time, and I was.

As confused as I was, I made my way into Clarke's office anyway, even cautiously. The office itself seemed a lot more organised then I was used to. There was actual paper work on his desk that he seemed to be working on, rather than just clutter and an unfinished work.

"You're on time," I noted before he could speak.

He smiled slightly at himself mostly. "Yes, thought I might give it a go, see what it was like for a change."

"Why?" I frowned at him.

"I won't be the one response for destroying my father's company," Clarke told me calmly. "I would never forgive himself. I know this wasn't the plan, it should've been a few more years before I was here, but I'm here now and if I don't use it to keep the company the way he made It, I'll regret it, forever."

I paused for a moment, crossing my arms over my chest as I judged his expression. It wasn't a face I used to seeing on Clarke, in fact I don't think I had heard him say one sincere thing since I had met him, but this rang true. I found myself believing him, but I decided to always remain cautious when it came to Clarke.

"Okay, fine," I said eventually. "So, what exactly did you need help with?'

"Well, as it turns out, my position here isn't exactly secured," Clarke said slowly, putting his hands in the middle of the desk and leaning towards me.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised," I shrugged, stepping forward and sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

He rolled his eyes a little at me. "The board want me to...well for lack of a better phrase, prove myself."

 "They want you to prove you're capable of actually running the company, right?" I guessed.

"Well, it's fair enough I guess," Clarke muttered slightly. "That meeting I had yesterday with them. Basically they gave me a task, a chance. I need to present them a company in the next couple of months that I want to purchase and support."

"And how are you meant do that?" I frowned. "I mean, from what I can tell you understand how this business works, but that doesn't mean you pick the right company straight off the bat. They going to want one that can show finical growth, which you can get a good percentage out."

"They'll want a company that will essentially become successful on it's own and that we could sell for a profit, yes," Clarke agreed with a nod.

"But that is going to be hard to do in a few months. I mean, I remember your father telling me it was at least a year before he made the right deal," I told him. "He said, the companies can look promising but it doesn't mean they're right."

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