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38. Lilith

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Zachary Flint stood at the front of his ship, the Serpent's Revenge, looking out over the expanse of vast blue ocean before him. It had been over a month since his younger brother had left in search of his daughter, yet he could not bring himself to smile at the idea of seeing his daughter again after seven years.

Something wasn't quite right, and he wasn't sure what it was yet. He thought that after conducting a plan to find Azalea, the uneasiness in his gut would have disappeared. However, it was the opposite. It was worse than ever before; he was sick to his stomach and felt the need to throw up.

He hadn't felt like this, not in a long time, since over ten years ago when he first met Mad Man Levon. It was also the same day his family legacy had awoken. He looked down at his palms, the power getting the better of him, and his fists started to glow with a red aura. There was no doubt about it: it was the same horrible feeling that something tragic was going to happen in the days to come. He just hoped the people he loved the most would be safe.

He swallowed back the bile forming in the back of his throat and thought of anything other than the sick feeling in his stomach, and slowly, his red aura disappeared. The Flint family legacy was a power hidden from within the heart and was not to be mistaken as a cursed soul.

Some Flints, like his mother, never awoke it. It usually took a feeling of great desperation to awaken it. All he knew was that the Flint family legacy went back many generations, and the family had always been an enemy of King Mordred, who wanted nothing more than to see the Flint family dead.

Zach had an idea of where this power had come from, but he would have to ask Levi the next time he saw him. The Mad Man always seemed to have the answers. If it wasn't for that stupid kid, he would never have been able to control his power.

Zach's bronze eyes locked onto a black dot that hovered over the horizon, distracting him from his never-ending thoughts. They were close to Hive Island. Already he could see the odd Navy ship in the distance, which soon turned into ten than twenty, then fifty, all of them dotted around the island as they sailed closer.

It was time to start.

Zach, turned on his heel and marched across the deck. His worn out leather boots clomped against the wooden floor as he made his way to the helm. He took control of the wheel, knowing full well they were about to hit a strong current that could pull them under.

"Cain," he ordered.

"Aye, captain." His brother's first mate was by his side in an instant, and Zach could not help but smirk.

He liked Cain Reed. He was strong, loyal, and a powerful foe in hand-to-hand combat. If his younger brother hadn't have nabbed him first, Zach would have hands down recruited him for his own ship.

"Take the sea-crystal bracelet off. It's time to get to work."

Zach had been teaching his new recruit how to become immune to sea-crystals. So far, Cain could tolerate wearing the bracelet for about two days before it consumed all of his energy and he found himself losing consciousness. The blonde pirate nodded towards his new captain and discarded the crystal from his wrist. A wave of relief washed over his features and he grinned.

Cain slammed the palm of his hands against the wooden deck of the ship and unleashed his powers. A second later, the ship could no longer be seen by the eyes of the Navy. But to Cain and the rest of the crew he had turned invisible, they could still see each other as clear as day.

With Zach navigating the ship around the unassuming navy ships and taking the safest route across the treacherous waters that surrounded the island, they finally made it to Honey Pot Port.

The Rookie Pirates (Parts 1-6)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu