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"It wasn't as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun...killing somebody's a funny experience."
- Dennis Raeder (infamously known as BTK; bind, torture, kill)


FRANK HAD HIS HAND in his hair when I had stepped out of the interview hall. He watched me stumble through the metal doors that was disguised as part of the walls of the interview room. It was kind of like an emergency escape route for me if Banshee tried to do something out of the ordinary or if I just wanted to leave. The room I walked into was small, with a table and screens that showed what the security camera showed. There were two other stony faced assistants around Frank.

Once I got out, I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. The tension from the interview with Banshee was already wearing off. Frank looked anxious, for some reason, and then he spoke. "It didn't look like it went badly. How are you feeling?"

I didn't bother answering him. "How does he know my name, Frank? You told me that I get to introduce myself to him in any way I wished." I scowled, it might seem a small thing, having him know my name but I didn't like it coming out from his mouth. "You lied."

Frank rose a full brow. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Straightening my sweater and leaning up, I retorted, "He said Aria, just before he left, he said my name."

The second brow shot up to join the other raised brow. Frank looked like a deer in headlights. "I don't know how he could know it." He looked away from me, eyes moving to the ceiling. He shrugged. "Perhaps one of the guards might have let it slip? They know your name."

I narrowed my eyes. "Really, Frank."

He shook his head. "I have no idea." Then gesturing to a door beside the small room. "I'm sorry about that. Right now just calm down and tell us how it went so we could follow the fixed procedure for this."

I decided not to push further for information. He could be telling the truth, he couldn't. Perhaps he had accidentally told Banshee and forgot to inform me. At the moment, I didn't really care anymore.

Frank led me to an inner room that had a single table with two chairs before it. On the table was a matte black metal device. It was the size of an average novel. "That's the recording device. It's specially created to block out other noises, and focus on yours."

I ran a finger over the smooth metal. It looked heavy. "I've never seen one like that."

Frank smiled, understanding my confusion. "It's the best of its kind. We don't want any of the information you tell us to be tampered with. Everything you say that is recorded would be sent up to authorities higher than I am."

"Wow. That sounds serious."

"Oh, it is." He nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "Have a seat. Someone will join you shortly to record your conversation." He smiled and I managed a smile back because Frank Trellis had a very nice smile. When he moved to close the door, he stopped and then looked back. "Um, Aria?"


He rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. "I was wondering if you'd want to have dinner with me tonight?" He flushed. "As work colleagues of course. I was just thinking it'll be a good idea considering we're going to be working closely for the next two weeks." He stopped. "Actually, it'll be more like late tea considering we only have the cafe. Unless you'd prefer take out then that's also cool."

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