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Your POV

Just as I finished preparing juice and popcorn for me and Aso, my head started to slightly hurt. I placed my palms on the counter breathing heavily. I'm sure that if I haven't done that, I'd be laying on the floor right now. In a second, a picture, rather a memory came flashing through my head. It was me and my father. We were talking - no, yelling. I was mad... About what? I couldn't remember. I heard a doorbell and attempted to open the door. My hand knocked the glass on the floor, shattering sounds following behind.

"S-shit." I cursed silently and approached the door. I slowly put my hand on a doorknob and twisted it opening the door a bit."Hi Aso!" I smiled covering up my startled face.

"Hey, [y/n]? What was that shattering sound just now?" He seemed worried.

"Oh you know, daily routine. Come in!" I said. Well, it's not like I lied. I'm an expert at breaking stuff. (A/n: Like RM from BTS c:) [Keep in mind that I was a No Jam A.R.M.Y. back when I wrote this.]

"Heeeeey, [y/n]? You hear me?" Osoro shaked my sholder.

My mind came back to reality. I took a short breath and simply nodded quickly glancing at the clock on the wall. 9 o'clock already? My gaze returned to ten boys that looked half dead.

I clapped my hands few times. "Okay pigs, time to go home!"

"Nooooo-ah" Hanako whined yawing at the end.

"It's not like you can sleep here. C'mon get up." I pulled Hanako's sleve but he was already sleeping.

Megamo came from upstair with his phone in his right hand.

"I talked to their parents. Well, except Mujo and Mido's. We can stay for the night." He said calmly.

"And what about talking to me??" I whispered as loud as I could, my quiet steps noticed only by me and Megamo.

"Why would I need to talk to you? Wouln't every young woman want ten charming men sleeping at her house?" His expression didn't change, which pissed me off.

"Uh-well yeah, but you still need permission!" I crossed my hands over my chest and swayed my right hip to the side.

And that's when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it but Megamo jogged to the door and opened it. People started taking in futons. I stayed there dumbfounded until Megamo decided to finally speak.

"You didn't expect us to sleep on the couch, did you?" His eyes were judging, his chin lifted as if he was looking down on me.

"For the matter of fact, I did." Without saying another word I turned around and went back to my room.


I jumped into my bed and turned the light off. Even though this 'sleepover' was organized without my permission, I still kind of liked it. It felt like I had friends. Like that time back in real world. Why do I even call it the real world? Is this world fake? This... Is just a game, right? And when I get back, Sakyu and Mei will be spawned again in the game like nothing happened. Everything will be like nothing happened. All those friendships I made will cease to exist , I'll be forgotten again. My existence will be unimportant again. Few tears slipped down a small part of my cheek, changing the direction due to my pose. My eyel felt heavy, I just wanted to rest.

"Crying myself to sleep, huh?" I chuckeled at my own words. "I haven't done that in a while."

I closed my eyes and adjusted my blanket. Suprisingly I fell asleep instantly.

It Wasn't Me! • Male Rivals x Reader [Yandere Simulator] Where stories live. Discover now