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It was 2:00 a.m. but my obnoxious stomach growled with hunger.

I slowly slipped out of Dale's bed and found my way down the stairs to the kitchen in the darkness, but as I reached the last few steps I felt my foot slip.

I was expecting to fall flat on my face and receive a bloody nose, but instead, my entire body had clashed into another body, leaving me stunned and surprised.

This body was definitely not Dale's, although he had also had insanely strong muscles.

I felt the length of his body and nearly shrieked when I realized he was without a shirt.

"Whoa, hey there, falling for me?" the voice was deep and definitely attractive.

I laughed, "aha, uhm no, I'm sorry. I just had a little slip up." I replied, flushed with redness.

"Well I'm glad you're okay now." he had laughed as well.

It was like music to my ears.

"But hey, I'm Luke." I could barely see him extend a hand out towards me in the course light of the moon.

I shook it, "I'm Claire."

He nearly fell over, "whoa! I just shook hands with the golden wolf!?"

I laughed again, "I'm nothing special."

"You're everything special." I could feel him saying that with a smile.

"So, what're you doing up so late?" I asked him, still standing in the dimmed darkness.

"I was gonna grab something to eat. I'm hungry." he said- "and you?"

"Same." I replied.

"Oh! Well then let's go!" he grabbed my wrist and lead me to the kitchen, while flipping on a light.

I stared up at him.

He was beautiful! He had a sweet crooked smile that any girl would fall for, he was tall and had perfect blonde hair that stuck out to one side with amazing clear blue eyes that locked onto my hazel ones.

I blushed again, "whoa," I felt myself say.

"Whoa, you." he replied, looking at me- "I mean, wow... You just took my breath away."

I glanced down at my feet, trying to hide the rosiness that now embraced my already stained cheeks.

"So uh, what would you like?" I asked him.

"You. Wow, wait no- I mean, you... Oh my goodness.. I mean..." he had joked with me in a playful manner.

"I'll just bake us some cookies or something," I giggled at him.

"Cookies it is," he smiled, while taking out the ingredients for me.

When the mixture was finally in a bowl I started to stir it with an egg beater- "here, let me help you with that." Luke said while closing in on me.

He stood behind me and took a hold of my hand, helping me churn it. I honestly didn't need help but his presence was warm and soothing, so I said nothing.

I felt his soft warm breath on the back of my neck, it make me snuggle up into him even more.

We spent the rest of the night talking and bonding, it was a wonderful time with my new found acquaintance, Luke.

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