Chapter Five: The Tsunami

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The next opportunity that Yoongi even had the time to consider Tumblr, was when he was in Chicago. Because he was touring, he hardly had time to get a solid amount of sleep, forget play on the internet. Sure, there were gaps where he could do it like in the car, his dressing rooms, and during pauses in rehearsals but he preferred to spend that time napping. If he didn't, Yoongi was sure he would be entirely too exhausted to function.

The next opportunity he found was during the space of time that occupied the late morning and the early afternoon. The seven of them were eating brunch, chewing on food that had been set out for them in the dressing room of the venue they were due to perform in. They had rehearsal in an hour and due to the manager accidentally setting the alarm an hour earlier than necessary, he found himself with some spare time.

Yoongi scanned the room, brown eyes particularly searching for Jimin and the space he was occupying. He sat on the arm of the couch next to Kookie, messing with his hair and laughing at something. Feeling safe from his apparently perceptive eyes, he got onto his phone and opened the Tumblr app. He pressed his lips together, trying to think of exactly why he had gone to the app in the first place and then shrugged as he began to scroll.

His eyes focused in on the little icon on the bottom right side of the app, knowing he could make a post with it. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, realising that maybe he could ask for help locating the blog by just making a post and tagging it with 'help me' or something. Nodding to himself, as if he was confirming it was the best idea he had ever conceived, he swept his eyes around the room once more and took a mental note of where everyone was. When he looked back down, he tapped the icon and then began to make a text post.

He looked down at the keyboard and saw the Hangul characters waiting for him to make his entry and it made him hesitate for a moment. Logically, when he thought about it, the blog wrote in English which meant he had to reach out to English speakers to find it. Plus, there was also the fact that he was in the United States and he was supposed to be improving his English whenever he could. So many of their fans were internationally based and he wanted to be able to reach out more anyways. So this was like killing two birds with one stone.

Having made up his mind, Yoongi switched over his keyboard and tried to think of how he should word what he wanted to say. In all honesty, Yoongi knew he sucked at English. He may have fought this accusation a lot and said he was "just rusty" but he sucked at it. The grammar and structure of the language made no sense to him, it was literally backward. However, he was stubborn and his mind was made up. If he was going to find the blog, he needed to take some risks.

How find blog? He didn't like that, it seemed too simple. It also wasn't right, he knew he was missing some words that would actually make the sentence flow and make sense, but he just didn't know what they were. He let out a deep sigh and tried again.

Help find blog? He didn't particularly like that either. It lacked information and he felt like people wouldn't really know what he was looking for or how to help him.


He snapped away from his phone and turned it face down on his thigh while his eyes searched for who had set their hand on his shoulder. His gaze latched onto Taehyung who was standing next to the chair Yoongi was sunk into. He studied him for a moment, but Yoongi didn't feel like he particularly looked like he was up to anything suspicious. He relaxed and gave him his attention. "What?"

"Hyung wants us to go get a feel for the stage," Taehyung said as he gestured to their manager.

"Okay," Yoongi said with a nod. "I'll be out in a second, just need to finish a text."

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