Dree & Aaron

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Aaron and I had been good friends - really good friends - for quite long, and I was pretty much alright with the friend zone I was in, because it was so much better than being heartbroken over someone who couldn't see how deeply I felt for him. We both were alone in Aaron's apartment, slightly tipsy and were flipping through the channels on the television. Aaron had been nervous all day, fumbling with his words, hiding his slightly flushed face, looking constipated, and I could go on and on with those minor changes in his usually easy-going and confident demeanour. He was, still, fiddling with the remote, rubbing his palms together in between and running his fingers through his hair repeatedly. I didn't point it out before, in front of Lucy and Victor, but I couldn't take his flustered gestures and frustration anymore.

"What's wrong?" I'd snatched the remote and turned off the idiot box. I then threw away the remote, and turned, looking dead straight at him with a no-nonsense attitude.


"What's wrong, Aaron?" She had snatched the remote from me and now was staring at me dead-on. No wonder she had noticed my unusual behaviour since the past few days, and now was calling me out on it.

"It's nothing, Dree. It's just stress."

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