I Don't Party. Anymore.

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I really liked how this book played out once written down and I hope you do to!

Chapter 5

He glances at me, his eyes following my every movement as I put down the wrapper of my finished PB&J.

Feeling his eyes on glued to me would make other girls melt, but in my case I can see it without a doubt. He still doesn't like me.

He even glares while the other talk amongst themselves at lunch in the cafeteria. I begin to wonder why I am even here. Oh right because Mo was absent and Hazel dragged my ass over here with Jax, Mason, and Axel.

Apparently these are her friends she used to sit with at lunch.

Oh and!

The best part is I am getting stared down by a trio of girls I've never met and could have gone my whole life happily without meeting. The second I sat down they began whispering and giggling. Literally giggling. Like what the fuck? Are we in Middle School or something?

"Blaze," Hazel says and I snap my head away from the staring contest between me and Axel.

"Hmm?" I hum back looking at her.

My gaze brushes past Jax who seems to be the only one not interested in the group of girls between him and Mason. He is even turned in his seat facing Hazel who is in between me and him.

"This is one of the boys as well. You haven't gotten a chance to meet him yet," Hazel says sitting in between me and Jax.
She points towards a handsome but lean dirty blonde, with brown eyes as he takes a seat next to Mason. He would remind me of Mason except he seems quiet, more observant. Then again he was also paying the girls lots of attention when he first got here.

His eyes meet mine and he nods politely.
"Jackson," he stated, quiet-type definitely. The girls must eat that up.

They also like his attention which was now on me and they did not like that one bit.

"He's an underclassman and happens to be my lil cousin," Mason coos joining the conversation and moves to pinch Jackson's cheeks but he is quickly stopped by Jackson grabbing his wrist.

Now the trio of random girls were really pissed to have lost even Mason's focus.

Sending him a glare Jackson shoved his hand away, "we're the same age dick," He grumbles.

"But I didn't get held back a year, did I?" Mason sings earning a warning glare from his cousin.

"Yet he acts older," I comment and Jackson lets a small smirk take over his lips.

"Hey now! My girl can't be talking shit like that," he whines and I shrug my shoulders ignoring his idiotic comment.

"Your girl?" One of the brunettes sitting next to him say, but Mason ignores her.

"I call it like I see it," I say playfully looking back at Jackson who seems pleased that I don't fawn over his cousin. In the corner of my eyes I see the girl who got ignored go red in the face.

"Hear that Mason, your girl likes me more," Jackson brags and I roll my eyes not liking the title.

"I'm not his girl."
"She's not his girl."

My head snaps towards Axel as he casually sits up in his chair, having a blank expression but his eyes were a blue flame burning into me. What right did he have to say anything.

"I didn't realize I had an echo," I snap and he just shakes his head with disgusted amusement.

"He doesn't even know her," Axel comments, ignoring my remark, before standing up to walk away and adding, "So don't go getting comfortable."

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