What If? (Edited)

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"I think parents who abandon their kids, and then try to re-enter their lives once the hard part is over, shouldn't be called parents."


Laid off. Fired. Whatever you want to call it, it's scary. I know my parents are stressed. I know my Dad spends the whole day we're at school filling out resumes and going to interviews. Mom says we have savings, that we'll be fine for at least a couple of months. I hope so.

It's been two weeks and Dad says he has some good prospects and the worry is slowly retreating from my parent's eyes, and I can relax.

On top of everything else, we're all still a little worried about Zoe. After she completely lost it she's gone back to hiding away in her room and being silent at dinner, although it is a little easier to convince her to come outside or watch a movie than it used to be. Honestly, I think Mom was relieved that she let go of some of her pent-up feelings. It's like her walls dropped for just a second, and now she's built them back up, stronger than ever.

This afternoon when I come in from outside, where I had been keeping an eye on the twins, Mom's stress levels seem to have increased tenfold suddenly.

"Mom, is everything ok?" I ask.

She looks up from her seat at the table, "Of course, sweetie," but her smile looks fake. I know she won't tell me anything unless she wants to, so I let the worry drift any, until I have almost forgotten. Until that evening when Mom and Dad ask me and Chloe to come upstairs, only me and Chloe.

When we get upstairs, they're sitting on the couch. Mom pats the seat next to her and Chloe sits next to her trying to avoid her fear with Mom's comforting presence. I sit down on Chloe's other side. I know she scared, I always know when she's scared, and if I'm honest so am I. I settle down on Mom's other side.

Mom takes a deep breath and opens her mouth, "We have something to ask you, but I want to make it clear that this is your choice, whatever you decide we've got you, yeah?"

I exchange a look with Chloe and we both nod.

"I got a call from DCF this afternoon..." For a second I can't breathe, and it's as if my Mom can tell because she stops and takes my hand, "Cason," she says gently.

I meet her eyes and lean into her shoulder and she wraps an arm around me. My Dad puts a hand on my back.

"What you're Mom was going to say is that your biological mother contacted them and has asked about the possibility of seeing you two." Dad says quietly.

I suck in a sharp breath and open my mouth to say "No."

But Mom starts talking first. "This is your choice, okay? But think about it for a minute, yeah? But if you're not ready that's okay."

I shake my head, "I'm not ready."

Mom rubs my back, "Okay. We thought you deserved the choice."

I just shake my head; I wish they hadn't told us.

Dad has his hand on my shoulder, but I jerk away, I never want to see my biological parents again, I never wanted to think about them again. But now I have to, because I have a choice to make.

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